Chapter 78 -A Burden + Another Motive-

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     Robbie's P.O.V: "Axe Boy"

     "Ugh!" I groaned in pain as I took a step back away from the attacker. Unlike anything I've ever seen, this one is much smarter and much capable of bringing down someone like me...

     But should I give up? I did want to die, right? Or...

     "Forget it," a voice whispered in my head. "Don't die because Galatea's not here. Live because you want to avenge her, don't you?"

      Feeling the desire for not backing up, I pushed back myself, and grabbed my axe from inside my room. "Fine! You want an axe to be stabbed in you, then so be it!" 

     Thankfully, the attack wasn't so severe to me since after all~ I've dealt with more than just axes in my heart. 

     The attacker with a dark black cloak didn't seem surprised as I was about to finish whoever that had attacked me with a slice of my axe when all of a sudden...

      I stopped when my axe reached over to its neck...

     Why isn't the attacker in a white mask moving? 

     Did it want me to kill them? Oh no... Start a trial and I wouldn't have a witness...

     But I want revenge! I want to kill this traitor and then be done with it! Get out of this level and reach level 5 so we could face the mastermind is what I wanted to do! 

     "Not clever," The cloaked-figure read my mind. "Sure that's what you think I want, but I came here for a different reason."

     "Oh yeah?" I challenged whoever this traitor was as I still clutched my axe tightly in front of its neck. "You dare try to kill me? Why would I be 'that' of an easy target for you?"

     "You are," the traitor said before going to their point. "The thing is... It's not our fault we're doing the killing."

     I hesitated when hearing that. "And what's that got to do with right now? Coming here to kill me in exchange for Lucky Guy?"

     "No, but can we at least talk for a few minutes?"

     . . . 

     Slowly, I pulled my axe down from her, and so did the traitor. She dropped the weapon on the ground with a soft thud. 

     (Author's note: No, just so you're wondering~ Mukuro isn't 'that' traitor since she's only a comrade to Junko and wasn't part of the traitor's group!) 

     Now that got me thinking that this traitor was actually a female... Yet, pretty strong for a female like her. 

     "And why did you come here?" I questioned her as I closed the door to my room, just in case so nobody could hear us from here. "Come along with that axe of yours?"

     "It's a disguise," she explained. "But anyways, I know I can't kill you... At least, not in my regular form. I have 'her' with me, but I'm not going to let her out." But before I can ask the traitor about what she meant by that, she continued on, "I realized something about last night... And... the way the mastermind allowed that and how easily Margaretha could be a manipulative impostor, made me rethink how unfair it was to see your friend go..."

     So? What's that got to do with right now? 

     "Just so if you're wondering why I'm blabbering on and on," The traitor glanced at me carefully. "I can't bring myself to face Lucky Guy, so I'm counting on you to make the next two  trials a draw."

     "You want me to try to draw the trials?"

     "Mmhm!" The traitor nodded her head. "Yes, that's what I want you to do! Which is why," she took a breath behind her mask as she let her shoulders drop a little, "Me and the other traitor are going to try to get you guys to a drawing point where you all can face the mastermind... together!"

     What? Why is this coming from this impostor all of a sudden!? No wait, it could be a trap! I have to be extra careful where I'm going... but I see nothing wrong in this traitor's argument... Or is there? 

     "But how do I know you're not lying to me?" I questioned her. "How do I know you won't leave me hanging onto despair?"

     "Because..." The traitor slowly reached out to take off her mask. "I'll only allow you to see who I really am, but no one else..."

     What!? No way! Is this some joke? Will she have on a mask behind her mask? There is absolutely no-- Or else, the next trials wouldn't be fair at all! It'll be more like--

     Unfortunately, for her, I quickly grabbed her by her hands to stop her from taking off that dang mask. "No," was my final word. "No way are you going to let us through that easily."

     "I know you're being honest, but, please," I tried a different approach. "If you believe that I can succeed with my team, then let it go. I... I'll promise to you I will figure out who you and the other traitors really are during the class trial. So no need to risk yourself at this early time, alright?"

     She hesitated. "But that means I will have to kill someone if nobody figures out who I really am."

     Good point, although, I'm not going to let her think I'm a huge 'waste.'

     "Just do whatever you can," I promised her, having the same feeling if I was in 'her' situation....

     This wouldn't end very well...
     "If you say so," the traitor sighed, "Alright, I'll give it my best work."


     "But shouldn't we think of a different idea that doesn't involved murder?" I suggested, hoping she could see my point of view. 

    "We could... However, it's a game. It doesn't work for me, or else the mastermind wouldn't like it one bit," the traitor explained thoughtfully. "Besides, the only reason why I joined here is because of the game."


     "No, really!"

     "You joined because you were forced to," I corrected her. 

     "Ah..." The masked-traitor fidgeted her hands. "I don't know what you're talking about."


     "No!" The traitor seemed frightened and frustrated. "I can't say that word! The mastermind won't be pleased with me! Even though I'm on neither side of the group, I still want to help despair and hope win. Whichever one, I don't care..."

     After a brief seconds of silence, the traitor glanced at the clock on the wall. 

     "A-anyways, the Monokuma announcement should start pretty soon, so you better be ready," and with that, the traitor started heading out of my room, but added before leaving, "The killing will start pretty soon, so be warned."

     ...I have to take some time to process what has just happened...

     Oh no! Why am I starting to shake so much? I'm scared! I'm only 6 years old!

     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     "Wait, what?" The survivors gasped in surprise as I let Helena translate all of the pages when we're altogether in the dining hall. 

     "You've been hiding that away from us, Lucky Guy!?" Jose got up in my face. "What the hell's wrong with you?!"

     "Jose's not wrong," Demi agreed sadly. "Why would you leave that journal away from us, Lucky Guy?"

     "Yeah, do you not trust us?" William asked angrily at me. 


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