Chapter 83 -Trial #3: Undecided (P.t 1)-

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     *Yay, trial's beginning now~!*

     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     As both me and Victor arrived in the main room with the rest of everyone else, I got a bad feeling about how this trial is going to play out. Not that I'm worried about figuring out who killed Kreacher, Edgar, and Bonbon, but it's more like I have a different feeling as well... 

     Even if Edgar had died here in this game, I still believed he hadn't died in my heart just yet. And if my theory's correct, then there's no other explanation for it. Edgar must be alive somewhere, or at least, I hope he is. 

     Entering into the elevator as a 2nd group, I made careful eye contact with the others around me. I know I have not finished investigating everybody else when I have the chance, but thankfully I managed to get some gist of what's going on...

     Emily and Kurt were looking at each other in a sad way, Luca and some others were giving each other strange vibes through looking at one another suspiciously, and some of the hunters and survivors were turning away from each other as if they forgot about being 'friends'...

     Friends? Were we even friends, though?

     Ignoring that thought in my mind, I thought back to what Kevin had told me earlier during the investigation... He stated that if we as a survivor, let the hunters make it a draw.... What will happen at level 5 when we're supposed to face the mastermind? Certainly, we can't do it together, can we?

     "Lucky Guy," Emma whispered behind me. "How are you feeling? Worried?"

     "Me? Worried?" I repeated awkwardly. "N-no, I'm f--"

     "You're not fine, I could already tell," Emma sighed with sadness in her voice. "It's just... Could you do me a little favor?"


     "Please don't vote my friends out," she pleaded with me. "I don't want to lose Emily and Kurt, they did nothing wrong!"

     Well, we'll see who gets to be the judge of that.

     "Look Emma," I began, "Calm down, I know you're worried about them, but please, you have to understand that everyone's lives are at stake here."

     The gardener turned away from me for a few seconds. "If you make one wrong move, Lucky Guy... I will never forgive you for this." And with that, she walked away once we arrived at the 4th floor, class trial rooms. 

     Looks like I'm not the only one who's upset...

     "Please proceed to stand behind the trial grounds," Monokuma, the headmaster ordered us to follow his directions. "You guys already know the rules for how this class trial goes! So I don't think I need to explain any further details unless anyone has a question about it!"

     "I have a question!" Jose's hand shot up in the air. "Do you know who the killer is already, Monokuma?"

     Hearing this, Monokuma exclaimed, "Of course I do! You think I came unprepared for this class trial? Of course NOT~!" 

     "Then I have no questions about it," the first officer put his hand down. 

     Geez, so weird. 

     "Well then, if there aren't anymore questions about the class trial's rules, then let's get right to it!" The robotic black and white bear laughed hysterically. "Ahahahahahaha!!!"

     . . . 

     "Ignore him," Tracy muttered, "Anyways, since Freddy is always 'this' and 'that,' how about I go first?"

     "You?" Freddy glared across from her, "What do you have to say about this class trial, Tracy?"

     The mechanic sighed in frustration, "What else do I have to say? Oh yeah~ Blame it on the mechanic, that's what!" She made a face at the lawyer. 

     "Just say what's on your mind, Tracy," I urged for her to continue. "We don't need to waste any more time."

     "Fine!" Tracy rolled her eyes at us, then declared, "I believe I already know who the culprit is!"

     "You do?" Helena raised her eyebrows. "So you knew who killed the three victims that fast?"

     "I sure do!" She smiled. Then met someone in the eyes as she pointed her accusing finger at-- "Those two!"

     "Us?" Emily and Kurt said altogether in surprise. 

     "Tracy, you can't be serious!" Emma called from the other side of the room. "This class trial isn't only about pointing fingers at 'who you think the killer is'. Besides, you don't have any evidence!"

     . . . 

     Tracy turned to glance at me, "Lucky Guy heard them," she confirmed. "Tell that to them, Lucky. Tell everybody what happened."

     Ugh, why do I even bother?

     As I explained everything that happened after I ran away from my group, that I overheard Emily and Kurt talking about their plans to murder someone, and after leaving for only a few minutes... 

     "The thing that troubles me," Robbie crossed his arms after I was done recalling those memories, "Is that if they were talking about their plans, it means that those two haven't done any killing yet, isn't that right, Lucky?"

     "Y-yeah," I agreed. "I think so, it couldn't be those two for sure."

     . . . 

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