Chapter 6 -A friend?-

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     No One's P.O.V

     "Well, that was very disappointing," Monokuma announced the entire room mournfully. "First round and you had already lost to those survivors, sheeesh!" 

     The hunters didn't say anything, and Monokuma for once, couldn't blame them. If he would have provide a proper motive, he wouldn't have to use the gas to make them obey his orders. Otherwise, it's more like they are a puppet to this game, and also like dummies as well. 

     "Fine then, I'll guess it'll just be up to them," he said to himself, releasing the gas away with a lever. 

     When the last gas had disappeared, the hunters were back to normal, a little confused as to what was going on. "Where am I?" Burke began, but then he spotted Monokuma sitting on a fancy throne. "You . . . " 

     "Yep, still me again!" Monokuma replied with the feeling of happiness. "Did you all really think I would forget about you guys?"

     "Is it just me or is my head feeling a little dizzy here?" Bane said, then suddenly roared in anger, "What did you do to us, Monokuma?!" He demanded. 

     Monokuma sighed, "If I tell you, this'll never end."

     "What will never end?" Wu Chang asked, tired of having to wait any longer. 

     "Nevermind about that," Monokuma replied, "The gas didn't work as a charm so I'm sorry to tell you all that you guys lost the first round."

     "So are you here to congratulate us on our first loss?" Michiko asked calmly with a smile, "Or are you here because you wanted to provide us a second chance?"

     "Michiko, what in the world are you saying?!" Jack the Ripper asked, looking quite horrified behind his full-covered mask. "Do you seriously want to-"

      "I'm sorry, Jack," Michiko smiled as she danced around him with her fan, "But what's the point of losing to a game, when we're all," she locked eyes with Jack, "Going to die because of losing."

     That's when everyone in the room started to agree with her:

     "She's right," Galatea said quietly. 

     "When you put it like ... I guess I'll have to agree," Luchino hesitated. 

     "So our only choice is to win the entire levels," Antonio added. "Well, that sounds like a game I'm dying to play."

     While everyone besides Jack was nodding their heads as if in agreement, Monokuma couldn't be more happy. "I thought I needed to provide another motive for them but I guess that Michiko really does pack a punch I must say," he told himself quietly. "Good, now everything is going according to plan! Soon, this game will be intense!"

     After everyone quieted down, Monokuma began, "As a headmaster of this Game, I'd like to say the 2nd round will be starting in just a few moments, so please take this as an opportunity to get to know each other," adding with the final touch, "You'll need all the luck you can get." And then he was gone. 

     As everyone in the room began to have a little conversation, Robbie the Axe Boy looked quite depressed on the other side of the room, "I'm so young and nobody wants to talk to me, how sad," he muttered to himself. "And to make it worse, they're all grown-ups, no fair."

     Before Robbie could be any more depressed, a voice behind him interrupted, "If you want, I can be your friend."

     Robbie's heart skipped a beat as he immediately turned around to find . . . "You?!" He gasped, shock to find Bonbon staring at him. "No way, you're a talking chicken with a top-hat and a red bow-tie!" 

     "Hmph, and you're a talking scare-crow with an axe to make you grow a few inches taller when standing on it," Bonbon spat back. 

     "You should know that I'm not exactly a scare-crow," Robbie argued.

     "And you should know that I'm not exactly a chicken either," Bonbon replied stiffly, "I'm a robotic penguin, programmed by my master."

     "Who's your master?"

     "It's him," he glanced at his master from the other side, "Master Burke."

     Robbie slowly find it fascinating to learn that Bonbon was actually created by someone around here. For once, he wasn't sure if he could ever make friends with this strange little bot. But maybe he can get along with  . . . 

     "I'm going to go," Bonbon interrupted Robbie's mind. "Master's calling me."

     "Oh, go on then," Robbie replied, feeling a little bit disappointed. At least he almost made him a friend. 

     As Bonbon left him all alone, and Robbie was back to being the loner boy. Unwilling to give up, he looked around. Now who should he ask to be his friend? Looking around cautiously, he saw Antonio practicing his music with a few of his audiences watching, Burke showing off Bonbon to his listeners, Michiko- always dancing for some reason for an entertainment, but then Robbie noticed that he wasn't the only one alone. 

     There sat a girl in a wheel chair. Her whole body and legs were bound to something with metal as if she was a prisoner or something similar to that. Her hair was pure, wavy blonde. Just looking at her made him feel different. Could she be a child as well? She don't look tall in a wheel chair. Watching her digging the stone with her chisel, it seems like she's making something. 

    "Hi," Robbie asked as he walked up to her. "Do you want to be my friend?"

    Unfortunately, she wasn't paying any attention to him, leaving Robbie feel rejected as usual. But after she was done with whatever she was doing, had the courage to look up at him, "Can I help you?" She asked smoothly. 

    "Hi, I'm Robbie," Robbie introduced himself. "What's your name?"
    "Galatea," she answered, fidgeting the chisel in the other hand. "Hey," she began, "Can you pass me that rock over there?" Galatea requested, pointing at the rock across the room. "Monokuma promised to give me some but didn't have the opportunity to hand it over to me," she explained. 

    Robbie nodded, "Oh um, sure," he said, putting down his large axe as he went over to pick up one of the pile of rocks, and then carefully brought one of them back to her. "This one?"

    "That'll do nicely," Galatea smiled, "Thanks for the help, Robbie." 

    Robbie blushed, "N-no problem!"

    "You don't look so old as the others," Galatea began, still keeping her eyes focus on her crafting. 

    "Oh, that's because I'm actually 6 years old," he proudly said. 

    "6?" Galatea looked a bit surprised, "Wow, 6 is very young," she said, "However, I don't remember my age, but I can tell you I'm a bit older than you."

     "So I see," Robbie said, watching her work her thing. "What are you making?"

     "It's nothing, really," she responded, "I'm sculpting one of the pieces of chess."

     Hearing this, Robbie looked curiously at her project, "Chess?" Could she actually work that fast into making something so big?

     "Watch closely," Galatea smiled, and then with a touch there and another touch over there, it didn't take long for just a few seconds to appear a horse, a simple game piece of chess. "If you had already noticed," she respectfully smirked, "I'm a child prodigy at this game." 

     Robbie couldn't believe what he was hearing from her. A child prodigy. That must have taken a lot of effort to claim such a magnificent title. 

     "So tell me," she eyed his axe, "What can you do?"




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