Chapter 19 -Jokes Aside-

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     *Being a story writer hurts when I keep forgetting something important.......*

     Luca's P.O.V: "Prisoner"

     We couldn't believe our eyes... "Is this going to be another prank?" I questioned, unsure whether or not this was Freddy's prank, and I absolutely don't want to fall for that again. 

     "Why would it be a prank?" Murro asked me with a questioning look on his face. 

     "Because I thought Freddy set that up for William to trip over--"

     "Quit messing around," William snapped at me. "I didn't trip," he stated, uncomfortably. "I was, uh, trying to get your attention about the uneven floor without having to, uh, tell you guys about that, that's correct."

     I was almost ready to laugh at his response, but I held myself back thankfully, not wanting to cause more trouble between us as a group. 

     "Yeah," Naib said slowly, as if he was being sarcastic, "Right."

     "You got a problem with that?" William confronted him with a glare. 

     I watched as Naib shook his head quickly as he held up his hands in front of him, "No, no problem," he replied respectfully. "No problem at all."

     "If you guys don't mind," I began, "Can I be the first to jump in?"

     "But that could be a dead-end-fall," argued Murro, clearly not wanting me to risk myself. "And who knows what's down there, we don't know if--"

     "See ya," I interrupted, and jumped down between the gaps. At first, I could feel myself falling down into the darkness, but then. . . 

     I landed on the ground with a thud. Perfect, it means that my thoughts were correct. As I glanced above me, the floor wasn't that far from where I'm at.

     "Are you alright, Luca?" Naib hollered from above. 

     "Yes, I'm fine, now give me your hand!" I replied back. 

     "If you insist," Naib muttered, and did his best to reach out his hand towards me. And just like that, our hands were touching. Which means, someone could've easily gotten up from there with the help of a person. 

     "Let go," I finally said. 

     "What?" He asked, and he did, letting me think for a few seconds by myself. 

     Surely this must've been easier for one person to aid another person, but what if the person did this by themselves? I got to find out!

     Before the others could predict what I'm doing, I began doing all the tactics I could think of to get out of this tunnel by myself. I jumped, I climbed, I try, but it was no use. . . It's impossible. Perhaps an equipment is needed to assist? 

     "You know, if you want to get out that badly," William cutted my thought process. "Just ask."

     "Ha ha, very funny," I sarcastically answered, then I glanced around me. This place is kind of dark, it would've been better if there's something brighter to use. 

     "Someone's coming," Murro whispered, looking around the room. 

      I couldn't see who it was, but I did, fortunately, hear a voice. "What are you guys looking at on the ground?" I 'd known that voice anywhere!

     "Kreacher, what are you doing here?" William asked. "Shouldn't you be heading over to the main room?"

     "I was, until we got lost," I heard Kreacher replied back, before appearing his head down at me. "Luca, is that you?"

     "Yeah, it's me," I said, then I noticed two other familiar faces popped up, Kurt and Servais! 

     "Um, mind if I asked what are you doing down here?" Kurt asked me curiously, probably thinking I was being caught by the others here, in which I did not. 

     I shrugged, "Will explain the details later," then I realized something I needed. "Hey, Kreacher," I began, "Can you offer me your flashlight?"

     "What?" Kreacher looked shocked at my request. "But it's my flashlight, don't you know I bring this everywhere--"

    "Then come along with me," I said impatiently, kind of getting tired of waiting. "Will someone join me then?"

     "Fine, I'll tag along," the thief sighed in frustration as he dropped down right next to me. "Anything else or are you good?"

     "I'll come along too," added Naib, and he too, jumped down right in front of us. 

     "So what's the plan?" Servais asked. "Shouldn't we head back to the main room first?"

     I almost forgot about that. Hmm, it's possible that we should be heading back as soon as possible, but this tunnel could be the key to finding out the traitors! And as much as I like to head back, I felt like there is so much to achieve within those minutes. 

     "You guys will head back as a group," I explained it to them, "While me and the boys will come back in time to explain what we found out about this place."

     "If you say so," Murro smiled softly. "But be careful down there, as you might not know which path it'll lead too," he alerted us, and I did a swift nod of 'understood.'

     As I watched the others put back the wooden pieces of floor together, everything was pitched dark, except the flashlight Kreacher was holding. "Which direction are we going?" Kreacher asked, "Left or Right?"

     But before anyone of us could answer, we heard a voice in the distance, "H-Hello, is anybody there?"

     The voice sounded so familiar and calm, but I swear I could tell this person was lost. As Kreacher shined the flashlight across in the distance, we saw a familiar figure approaching us. 

     "Who are you?" Naib asked, and that's when we realized it was Fiona. She had long, pink braided hair that hangs over her right shoulder. There were gold linings and symbols designed on her black and violet horned-hooded-dress. Not to mention she has some taste in pairing black jeweled straps around her lower feet and leg while wearing two golden earrings on her ears. 

     "I'm Fiona," the young woman replied, "It's a pleasure to know I'm not the only one down here all alone... but if you don't mind me asking, are you one of those traitors?"

     "No," I shook my head, "I mean, we're all looking for clues about this tunnel, so that's why we came down here anyway as a group," I explained. "Anyways, how did you get down here?"

     Fiona sighed sadly, "It's a long story."

     "You seem pretty well exhausted," Kreacher commented. "And also to mention your clothes are a little bit worn out."

     "Yeah, it is," she admitted, patting the dust away from her dress, "I have trouble being down here by myself."

     "You can join our group for now until we figure out what's going on," I told her, "But going back to the main room will have to wait a little." 

     "I see," she nodded, "Fair enough."

     "Anyways," Kreacher began, "Which direction, left or right?"

     We all looked at both sides for a moment, and I have to admit, I don't honestly know which path it'll lead to if we take left or right. "Let's choose right," Naib advised. "Since going left will only bring us back, let's just keep on going forward to the right side."

     "You're probably right," I agreed. 

     "Let's go to the 'right' side," Kreacher joke, pointing at where we're heading, "And hopefully you're 'right'," Kreacher gave a thumbs up before adding, "But I'll be sure to tell Victor to 'write' his letters, get it? Right and Write, eh?"

     I almost wanted to laugh, that's a great one! "That's kind of funny," I chuckled gently, "You sure you don't think Naib's right?"

     I stole a glance over at Fiona, but she didn't seem to understand the joke. Nor did she understand what he meant... Suddenly, she asked a strange question, "Who's Victor?"

     That's when I immediately hold back my laughter, "You must be joking, Fiona, because that's not very funny if Victor's here," I replied, wondering why she's not laughing at this joke. Maybe humor isn't her thing? 

     However, she insisted again, "But who's Victor? Is he somebody that I should know?"

     Wait a second. . .  

     I hesitated as we all glanced over at Fiona suspiciously. "Are you okay, Fiona?" Naib asked. "You don't sound like yourself."

     "I don't know," Fiona shrugged, changing the subject, "Has anybody ever asked you guys where I am? Is that another reason why you're all looking for me?" She asked hopefully. 

     This is getting a little bit weird... "Um, we're all separated," Kreacher answered back. "Because of a stupid game--"

     "Game?" Fiona raised one of her eyebrows at us, "What game?"

     "That game where we're supposed to head back to the main room before the timer goes off," I explained, "But it's also the type of game where..." My voice trailed off. Is this true? That she could be the traitor? "Say, Fiona," I began silently, "What brings you down here in the tunnel?"

     As we kept on walking, I thought I heard her taking a deep breath before replying, "This might sound crazy, but the only reason why I'm down here is because someone forced me too."

     Then Fiona explained everything about how she and Vera went down the hallway to get some drink from the kitchen, only to find herself being confused. "I couldn't scream when I tripped, but it wasn't like a trip," she said, her eyes full of regret, "The only thing I could remember was my vision fading away, and I was down here by myself."

     "You mean," My eyes widen in surprise, "That the traitor did this to you?"

     "That's what I believed happen," she replied, "But I'm pretty sure I fell over... Still, why hadn't Vera come to rescue me? She should've heard the sound of me falling."

     "She left you?" Kreacher questioned, "Well, that sounds like what a traitor would do."

     "Unfortunately, I was blacked out so I don't remember this until now," Fiona sighed, "Perhaps that's the reason why I don't know much about what's going on up there."

     "But that doesn't explain why you don't know Victor," Naib said abruptly, crossing his arms. 

     Fiona faltered, "I-I know you wouldn't believe me." Mumbling, "How else would I know Victor? I never spoke to him, barely knew each other, and I don't always remember other people's names when being told too."

     "So I take it was a coincidence you don't know him," I hinted, "But let me ask you another question," and that's when it threw her completely off guard when I asked, "How come you were there in the main room when you announced that you and Vera were being attacked?"




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