Chapter 23 -Trial (pt 1)-

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     *Ummmmmmm... Reason being why Lucky Guy is the Main Character in this story is basically~ HE'S A LUCKY GUY and I TRUST HIM! Haha, so obvious!*

     -Taina Zakura


     Lucky Guy's P.O.V: "?"

     "Misleading?" Martha repeated as she couldn't believe her ears. "How is that so?"

     I get the feeling Victor's hiding something. Honestly, he's been in the main room this entire time while we're out there, so I'm not so sure if others will find that suspicious alright.

     "Can you elaborate more on that, Victor?" I heard Norton asked, and I'm sure everyone here is dying to know what he meant. 

     Victor picked up his pen and scribbled another letter. And after handing it over to me again when he's done, I wasted no time reading it out loud again: "It's complicated, but he just talked to me when--"

     "The attacker talked to you?" Mike frowned doubtfully. "That doesn't make any sense."

     I looked at acrobat for a moment before returning back to the letter, "When we were alone in the main room. Unfortunately, I couldn't share any other information besides that. Sorry," I finished reading. 

     "Hold onto your horses," Kevin began, "So the one we've been following, ain't the traitor?"

     We all hesitated at that thought. Surely this isn't right... Then who had we been following this entire time? 

     "Allow me to confirm one more thing," Freddy said. "Just what do you mean by disguise? Are you referring to those duplicates over there?" He pointed at the Fionas. 

     "I'm not a duplicate," Fiona (#2) corrected, shaking her head. 

     "Neither am I," Fiona (#1) added. 

     Handing me another letter, I read Victor's response again: "He seemed friendly enough and didn't harm me when we're alone together. But that's the time where Monokuma wasn't working well so he was kind of blanked out."

     "You got an answer for that, Monokuma?" Patricia asked. 

     "This is about you, not me," Monokuma stated flatly. "It was just a temporary bug that jammed my system, but not too worry, I've installed better protection unlike BonBon."

     That's when we all heard someone crying from the audience. I was stunned at first, wondering if there was a baby in the audience, but when I glanced up... I found a little boy with a brown bag over his head, crying really loud. His other friend who appears to be a girl in the wheelchair tried to comfort him with a soft pat on his back.

     "What the hell is the meaning of this?!" Monokuma angrily shouted, "If you're going to cry like a baby, do it on your own time."

     Finally after a few minutes, Robbie stopped crying as we continued on our trial. "So if there was a bug in Monokuma's system before, does that relate to a sabotage?" Andrew brought up a question. 

     "If this was a sabotage," Helena answered confidently, "It's not really effective as you can see, which is why I believed this is simply another--"

     "Joke?" Emma suggested. 

     "No, I was going to say a distraction, but that's my theory," Helena told us. "Anyway, does that mean we all agree that the one we've been following wasn't the traitor or..." Her voice trailed off. 

     "It's the traitor," Fiona (#1) insisted, "And by evidence, I was there when Vera and I were being attacked, and that person wore the same cloak," then she locked eyes with Emily, "You saw that, right?"

     Emily's face became a little flustered all of a sudden. "Umm, I-I guess?" She shrugged anxiously. "I-I mean, I came back from the restroom and saw Fiona exiting out the storage room in panic, which is connected to the kitchen..." she paused for a second. "But I didn't see who the traitor really looked like because... I knew Fiona was with Vera together when they left the main room and when I noticed Fiona running off like that, I thought she must be the traitor and attacked Vera..."

    "Yeah, no," Fiona (#1) began with a frustrated look, "It wasn't me, alright?" Then pointed out, "If you could recall what Vera had just told you and the others when we found her alone with Eli and Aesop, she saw me running off to get help, and that is exactly what I did until I spotted the traitor spying on us in the main room."

    "Speaking of which," Emily said, "If you were ahead of me, how come you came into the main room after I came in? Like, you should've arrived in the main room first before I did."

    Fiona (#1) hesitated. "I can't explain how that happened, but I can tell you I had taken a shorter route since there are more than one ways to head back into the main room."


    "And for some reason, I ended up taking the longer route instead, so part of that was my fault," Fiona (#1) sighed deeply with regret. "If only I could've taken the regular path, I wouldn't have ended up being the prime suspect!"

    "Then that means Fiona (#1) isn't the suspect after all," Tracy smiled, "Then that means we all knew who the real traitor is and that's Fiona (#2)!"

    "No, that's wrong!" I argued, forcing Tracy to look straight at me in confusion. 

    "Did I say something wrong?" Fiona (#1) faltered. "Or was it something I said?"

    Prime suspect or not. . . That still doesn't make her have the right choice to call herself the real Fiona, because.... I believe there is something missing here! But I don't know what... 

     "No," I repeated myself, "You're still the prime suspect along with Fiona (#2)." Trying a different approach this time, I said, "As long as we figure out this whole game, then it's officially over, but for now... it's too early to judge which one's the real one based on hearing only Fiona (#1). I suspect we should listen to the other Fiona before we get to decide anything."

    "Thank heavens," Fiona (#2) sighed in relief before explaining her side of the story, "Alright, I'll tell you guys what happened..." And she summarized everything that she could remember, how she tripped and was blacked out, found herself under the secret tunnel, and how she coincidentally met Luca, Naib, and Kreacher. "And here I am, all confused at what game we're playing until these guys came in."

    Listening to that, I'm not sure if this is something I should take note of. . . But there's actually a secret tunnel?

    "Wait a second," Freddy raised his eyes suspiciously at her, "What do you mean 'under the secret tunnel?'"

     That's when we realized that the only one who could've known the secret tunnel hidden around here... would most likely be the traitor. 

     "It's true," Kreacher confessed, "But mostly it was Luca's idea in the first place when me, Kurt, and Servais founded their group and--"

    "Don't get the wrong idea here," Naib defended. "Luca isn't the suspect, so don't put your blame on him," he argued. "It was just a coincidence that William tripped over the plank and that's how we found the tunnel beneath the floorboards."

     By the look on William's face, I could tell William wasn't having it. "Hey, hold on a minute! What do you mean I tripped? I didn't trip, I was just testing you guys to see who would find the tunnel first, that's right."

     "Sounds highly suspicious," Tracy commented, turning her full attention over to him. "You sure you're not the traitor, Forward?"

     "Who're you calling a traitor, little miss mechanic?" William shot back. 

     Before things could go any rough, Luca jumped in, "Take it easy guys! We shouldn't start anymore fights like this," he said, doing his best to ease the tensions in the room. "What we need is more info, like who are we with at the beginning, middle, and end as a group?"


     And I'll stop here for now. Thanks for reading! Sorry if the trial is a bit messy~ I've been having a lot of work from school so I didn't have much time adding in more. And as the author who publishes quickly, I'm doing my best to publish at least a few or more chapters each week. Honestly, I enjoy writing! And I'm trying to banish some boring words to make it a little bit more fun, got to practice more of my grammar~! Anyways, see ya in Trial (pt 2)! 

     P.S: This is fan-fiction, so I don't know so much of how the characters in Identity V would act, judging by appearances and their background history, but I'm doing my best to make it look pretty much thoughtful here. 

     -Taina Zakura  




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