~Chapter 82~

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~Tennessee, Amethyst, and Grayson' POV~

As soon as Summer said it was too late we knew that was the keyword. We all came out with our guns drawn. It was Andreas' men that started shooting at us first but no one was hit on our half yet. Andreas might have had more men on the inside than we did but they didn't know about our people outside. We see April and Andreas trying to escape out the back door yeah good luck there. We continue to take out his men all of a sudden we hear someone fucking yelling.

Genesis- Son of a bitch.

Memphis- Fuck babe are you okay?

Amethyst- What's going on over there?

Genesis- I got shot in the shoulder the bullet went straight through. Yes babe I'm okay it's not the first time I have been shot.

Amethyst- Gen are you okay to continue or do you need to get out of here?

Genesis- Prez I'm good.

Amethyst- Okay. Memphis finds something to tie around the wound to help stop the bleeding.

Memphis- On it Prez.

Tennessee- Wow he just called you prez and not boss lady.

Amethyst- Shut up you haha.

Grayson- Okay now let's hope that one else gets shot.

Amethyst- Okay let's finish this then we can go home and then Summer can finish off those two fucking low lives.

We continue to take out Andreas' men some even decide that they would like to join our MC. I guess that would rather be on the winning side and they must want to live.

Tennessee- Love watch out.

When I hear Ness telling me to watch out I turn around and see a guy coming toward me. He comes right at me trying to wrap this wire cord around my neck yeah not today fucker. As he gets closer to me I get ready to throw a punch at him. Once he's close enough I punch him right in the face he staggers back a little bit but then he gets his balance back. Now he throws a punch at me but I dodge it he throws another one I again dodge it. Now I go and kick his legs but he dodged my kicks okay now I'm starting to get pissed. I throw punch after punch to his chest and his face. His nose is bleeding I'm pretty sure it's broken his right eye is swollen he's got a nice cut on his right cheek from my ring. We continue to fight each other I hit him under the jaw, and he stepped back and swung at me. I take a hit to my shoulder but it didn't even fucking hurt me. I hit him four more times, three lefts and a right in the face. He stumbled back, and even more, blood is rushing from his nose. Yeah after that I'm for sure I broke his fucking nose. I can see he is getting tired so I grab the wire cord that he dropped when we started fighting. I wrap it up a few times around my knuckles and while he is on the ground I go up to him and wrap the cord around his neck. His hands come up to his neck to try and pull the cord off his neck but I just pull tighter. I pull so hard that I know that I'm cutting through his skin which makes me happy. I start to pull tighter and tighter I know he is almost dead and I can hear his breath getting slower so I end him. I pull so tight on the cord and I cut his head right off. My King's has been shooting people and fighting while watching me. I look at them so they know I'm fine once I lock my eyes on them I can see that they are very turned on by what I just did. We have now killed everyone in the warehouse and now we head outside. Once we get to the door we can hear gunshots so we need to be careful when we head out. I slowly open the door and Ness looks out to see if we have a clear way out.

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