~Chapter 68~

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~Tennessee, Amethyst, and Grayson' POV~

When we got to the club we only had to wait about 10 minutes before Domenico arrived. When Domenico walks up to us I can tell just by looking at him he seems like he's a really good guy. Ness and Gray stand up and bro-hug him then they turn to me.

Tennessee- Dom this is our Queen Amethyst.

Domenico- When you say our Queen you mean the club's Queen right?

Grayson- Yes and no.

Domenico- Yes and no?

Amethyst- Hello Domenico it's nice to meet you and to answer your question faster. I'm engaged to both Tennessee and Grayson.

Domenico- Oh wow congratulations and it's nice to finally meet you.

Amethyst- Thank you.

Grayson- Thank you, man.

Tennessee- Thank you, Dom.

Domenico- So what did you need to talk about?

Amethyst- Before we start I need to know for sure that we can trust you.

Domenico- Okay I understand you don't know me at all. You will be able to trust me with whatever you need to talk about.

Amethyst- Okay well here is a question for you. Would you ever betray your family?

Domenico- Okay well once I'm Italian family is everything to me. But if a family has it coming then yes I would betray them.

Amethyst- Okay so far I can tell that you are not a bad guy and you told me the truth. So I'm 100% sure that we can trust you.

Ryder- Boss lady are you sure?

Sky- Yeah prez are you sure?

Amethyst- Yes I am. I can see it in his eyes.

Storm- Boss lady he could be playing us?

Sapphire- Prez Storm is right.

Amethyst- Okay first off I will always trust my gut. Right now my gut is telling me that we can trust Domenico. So now I want you all to just sit there and listen. If I hear one more fucking word about we can't trust him I'll fucking shoot you. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?

Everyone nods and then they just sit there quietly.

Ace- Damn sis.

Blue- Sis you need to calm down.

Grayson- Babe listen to us and calm down.

Tennessee- Baby are you okay now?

Amethyst- Yeah I'm sorry it's just that my girls know me well and here they are acting like I would put my clubs in danger.

The girls all put their heads down they know that they should have never doubted Am.

Domenico- Amethyst let me just say that you are one scary woman. I hope to never get onto your bad side.

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