~Chapter 111~

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~Grayson, Ace, and Tennessee' POV~

Am just went into the bathroom and then out of nowhere she yelled for us. The 3 of us run to the bathroom and when we open the door we see our Queen hunched over the bathroom sink counter.

Grayson- Love what's wrong?

Amethyst- Get Kelly now my water just broke.

Tennessee- Okay love I'll go get her. Gray, Ace help her to our room, please.

Ace- Come on my Queen let's go get you nice and comfortable so you can deliver our beautiful twins.

Grayson- Yes come on love. Our twins are finally ready to meet us.

Amethyst- Okay but we need to go nice and slow. My contractions are more consistent and painful.

We help Am up to our room and we get her settled on the bed. She is doing so well even though we can see she's in pain. Tennessee comes into the room with Kelly and she takes a look at Amethyst.

Kelly- Amethyst I need to check to see how far dilated you are okay.

Amethyst- Okay.

Kelly has Amethyst take off her pants and then has her lie back down on the bed. Kelly lays is sheet over her to hide her bottom half. Amethyst spreads her legs apart so Kelly can check her.

Kelly- Okay Amethyst you are 8 centimeters dilated once you get to 10 you can start pushing when you have a contraction.

Amethyst- Okay.

Tennessee- Babe do you need anything?

Amethyst- Could you get a cold washcloth for my head.

Tennessee- Sure thing babe.

Grayson- I'll go let everyone know what's going on I'll be right back.

Amethyst- Okay babe. Ace could you rub my lower back for me.

Ace- Sure baby.

Grayson- Okay babe I filled everyone in and they all said they can't wait to meet the prince and princess. Also Blue would like to know if he can be in here as well when you give birth.

Amethyst- Yes my brother can be in here. You can have him come in now if he wants to.

Grayson- I'll go get him.

Gray leaves the room to go Blue. Kelly checks Amethyst again and now she is at 9 centimeters dilated. Gray comes back into the room with Blue we tell him she is at 9 centimeters. Am is handling this well without any pain medication she said she wanted a natural birth. After another hour Am is finally 10 centimeters and she is ready to push. Blue is behind her rubbing her back Gray is on her right side I'm on her left while Ace is helping Kelly.

Kelly- Okay Am on your next contraction I need you to push okay.

Amethyst- Okay. Here it comes.

Kelly- Push Am push.

Tennessee- You are doing great babe.

Kelly- Good now I'll need you to do that again.

Grayson- You're doing an amazing job babe.

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