Chapter 62

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"You really changed your opinion quickly with that girl." Jungkook mentioned to Rose as they were walking away from the stand. 

"I just really felt her for some reason. I often get cocky about my talent and don't think about how hard it may be for someone else. I used to not be good at drawing or painting when I was very young, but I practiced it so often that I got good quickly. That girl felt intimidated doing art for me knowing my talent level. I felt horrible for ever judging her." She confessed. 

"Mmmm....Character development." He chuckled as Rose smacked his back. 

"I'm proud of you babe." Taehyung said in her ear, making her blush.

"Thank you."

They stopped at a few more stands over the next hour; a few for food, one that was selling knit dog clothes, one for hand crafted Overwatch figurines, and they had just left a Japanese wind chime stand where Rose bought a few.

They stopped at a few more stands over the next hour; a few for food, one that was selling knit dog clothes, one for hand crafted Overwatch figurines, and they had just left a Japanese wind chime stand where Rose bought a few

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They happened to be walking close to a small alley when Rose heard a scream. Her instincts kicked in immediately and she broke away from the boys and shot down the alley without thinking. 

"Rose! Where are you going?" Jungkook called after her, having not heard the sound. 

"She suddenly seemed very determined and protective." Taehyung mumbled. 

They tried to follow her but got caught up in the crowd.

Rose snuck down the alley way and saw a young woman being assaulted by a man bigger than her. He was forcibly touching her as she tried to scream. 

(A/N: words in bold are in Japanese)

Rose pulled her knife out of her boot and ran up behind him, pressing it against his throat as she grabbed his hair with the other hand. 

"If you value your life you will leave her alone." Rose growled.

The man stopped what he was doing; shocked that he was discovered. He let the girl go and she dropped to the ground crying. But instead of backing away, he elbowed Rose in the stomach sending her back a few feet. She recovered quickly and put her knife away, then got into a stable fighting stance. 

Surveying the situation she was in, Rose gathered that there was only one way out of the alley and the girl seemed too paralyzed with fear to run away. The man smiled when he saw that Rose was slim and petite, easy prey in his opinion. He didn't have a clue that he was up against a highly skilled fighter. 

He lunged forward to grab her but she was fast; ducking under his arm and putting herself in front of the girl protectively. 

"I don't want to hurt you unless I have to. Leave now." Rose threatened him. 

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