P5. Hogwarts Express

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A week or so after their trip to Diagon Alley, Arran and Dioleh were getting ready to go to King's Cross Station so Dioleh could go off to Hogwarts. Evangeline was down in the shop as the two sirens got everything together. Once they had everything, they went downstairs. Setting down the spare books in her hands, Dioleh hugged Evangeline and said, "I'm going to miss you."

Smiling, she replied, "I'll miss you too."

Once at the station, they were hit by the swarm of no-majs and witches and wizards trying desperately to get to their destinations. Arran and Dioleh quickly found the pillar they were to pass through. They stood next to it, glancing about quickly before slipping through. Dioleh gasped. A scarlet train sat proudly before them on the tracks. On the platform, more witches and wizards than Dioleh had ever seen were gathered.

Pulling her aside, Arran said softly, "Remember what I told you, Dioleh. No one can know what you are."

"I know Father," she replied. "Please write to me."

"I will, I promise," he said. Embracing her, he said, "I love you."

"I love you too," she replied. Giving him one final smile, she took her trunk and entered the train and began to search for a compartment. One of the first she saw held Imani. Opening the compartment door, Dioleh asked, "Mind if I sit?"

"Of course not," Imani replied, smiling at her. After getting her trunk into the top compartment, Dioleh sat down.


As they were talking, there was another knock on the compartment door. Looking up, Dioleh saw the same boy from Madam Malkin's. He opened the compartment door, flanked by two other boys that seemed to be about his age. "Do I finally get a name, love?" he asked.

"Well, as I said before," Dioleh replied with a smirk, "if it will earn me yours, I'd rather not risk it."

"You can't toy forever, love," he said. "I'm Draco Malfoy."

"And to think I thought I would avoid finding out your name," Dioleh said, her smirk widening. Rolling his eyes, he left with his lackeys. Once he was gone, Dioleh and Imani fell out in laughter.

"What's the story there?" Imani asked, moving her long pink hair behind her ear.

"Oh, nothing much," Dioleh replied. "We just met in Diagon Alley and he was being weird."

"Boys are weird," Imani said. Dioleh let out a laugh. "So where are you from?"

"Uh, America," Dioleh lied. "How about you?"

"Nigeria," Imani explained. "Well, sort of. My parents immigrated from there to England."

"My dad and I just came here a year ago," Dioleh explained.

Frowning, Imani asked, "What about your mum?"

"Oh, uh, well," Dioleh said awkwardly, her throat constricting slightly. "She's-"

"Oh," Imani said quietly, getting what she was too scared to say. "Sorry."

Waving it off, Dioleh asked, "Do you know anything about Hogwarts?"

"Some," she replied. "My mum went here because her father was working over her while she was school age."

"Oh, cool," Dioleh replied. "My parents didn't go here."

"My mum was in Ravenclaw, but she says it doesn't matter what house I get into," Imani said.

"Ravenclaw?" Dioleh repeated, confused.

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