26. Secrets and Lies

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Looking up, Dioleh spotted Imani who wasn't even looking at her. Imani's blazing glare was directed at Draco who quickly grew awkward. "I'll, uh, see you later," he said. Quickly clearing his throat, he got up and headed for his dormitory.

"Imani-" Dioleh began.

"What are you doing?" Imani snapped in a low voice. Dioleh sighed. "Why are you acting all friendly with him? I'm getting whiplash from your constantly changing opinions about him! Either you hate him or you don't."

"Imani, we were just talking," Dioleh defended, getting to her feet. "It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal," Imani scoffed. "Have you forgotten who he is?" Lowering her voice, Imani hissed, "His father is arguably one of the most influential people in the Ministry. If he finds out what we are, what you are, he could have you killed, Dioleh!"

"Imani, it was one conversation," Dioleh retorted.

"No, it's not just one conversation!" Imani yelled. "You've had this weird back and forth with him for years!"

"Imani," Dioleh sighed. "I get that you're trying to protect me, but what happened with Julio isn't going to happen again. I won't lose control again. I won't jeopardize our safety for anything. I swear on my mother." Imani scoffed, giving Dioleh one last look before leaving her alone in the common room. Dioleh sighed, rubbing her eyes tiredly.


The next morning, Dioleh decided to ignore her personal issues and try to help Sirius again. Approaching the Gryffindor table, she stopped next to Hermione and said, "Hey, can I talk to you?"

Sending Harry and Ron a concerned look, Hermione replied, "Sure." Dioleh led Hermione over to the side of the room, fiddling with her hand nervously.

Turning to face her, Dioleh explained, "Hermione, my, uh, my anxiety is getting a whole lot worse. I just want to be able to get to you if it's getting really bad."

Frowning, Hermione said, "Dioleh, you can always come find me."

"No, I mean like...I can't get to you when my anxiety is at its worst," she said, guilt eating at her core. "At night."

"Dioleh, I don't think I can just give you the password," Hermione said uncertainly.

"J-Just for now," Dioleh bartered. "Not for long."

Hermione sighed. "Scurvy cur," she said finally. "But don't tell anyone I told you that." Dioleh hugged her, partially to hide her guilt-ridden expression.

"Thank you," Dioleh said. "I love you, Hermione."

Smiling, Hermione tightened her hold slightly as she replied, "I love you too, Dioleh."


An hour later when everyone was in classes, Dioleh slipped down the corridor to Gryffindor Tower. Glancing around to make sure no one was around, she said, "Scurvy Cur." The portrait let her in and she quickly slipped into the common room and found her way into the third year boy's dormitory. "Come on," she muttered, looking on each of the beds for Scabbers. With a sigh of defeat, she glanced over for the time. Frowning, she saw a piece of parchment on one of the bedside tables.

Approaching it, she saw that it held a list of passwords. Smiling at her success, Dioleh grabbed the piece of parchment and slipped it in her pocket.

Leaving the Gryffindor common room without being spotted was, Dioleh afterwards supposed, too much to hope for. The moment she left and started down the hallway, a sharp voice said, "Dioleh." She sighed, closing her eyes briefly before turning to face Harry and Ron. Frowning, Harry asked, "What were you doing in our common room?"

"I was looking for Hermione," Dioleh lied.

"She's in class," Harry said.

"Right," Dioleh said awkwardly. "Sorry, I should-" Before finishing her sentence, she left to head to her own class, her own burning secret in her pocket.


After dinner, she went down to the kitchens and got a package of food. Stowing it under she arm, she slipped outside and went out into the forest. It was dark, even darker in the woods, and sent a chill up Dioleh's spine. "Sirius?" she whispered, too scared to speak above a whisper. Taking another step forward, she repeated, a little louder, "Sirius?" Still nothing. She opened her mouth to speak again, but froze when she heard something. It was a low whine. "Lumos," Dioleh whispered. Instantly, she gasped, crouching down beside the dog in front of her.

Sirius was lying on the ground, barely moving in dog form. "Sirius, I can't help you if you don't change forms," she said fearfully. He yelped as he did until he was lying groaning on the forest floor. His robes were even more torn and ragged than before. "What happened?" she asked, looking for a wound.

"Spiders," he groaned, wincing. "One of them got me. My arm."

"Merlin," she muttered, finally finding the bite mark. It was huge, swollen, and so red it might as well be coated in blood. "I think I know what to do," she admitted. "But I could be wrong."

"Better wrong than left alone with a corspe," he said, gasping for breath as the pain flared.

"Okay! Okay!" Dioleh said in a panic. "Auferamani veneniactus!" Sirius cried out as an amber liquid drained from the wound and formed a sphere suspended in the air. His eyes closed and his breathing weakened. Dioleh flung aside the venom and checked his pulse. Cursing under her breath, she pounded on his chest, trying to get his heartrate existent. Suddenly, he gasped for breath, shooting up with his eyes wide. "Sirius!" she shouted desperately. "You're okay! You're okay!"

"How did you do that?" he asked, his voice hoarse and raspy. "You're only, what? A third year?"

Smirking slightly, she said, "A little bit of no-maj magic. You need to rest and get your strength up. Here." She grabbed her bundle from before and handed it over. "I'll bring you food and fresh water, at least until you're better."

"Why were you out here in the first place?" he asked, sitting up. With a sigh, Dioleh reached into her pocket and took out the piece of parchment.

"All the passwords for Gryffindor Tower for the next week," Dioleh explained. "But...wait. You need to get your strength up before you try anything." He nodded, taking the parchment.

"Thank you, Dioleh," Sirius said.

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