94. Eternal Damnation

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"Now remember," Dumbledore said sternly to the three sirens trailing behind him. "Do not draw attention to yourselves and keep yourselves out of sight. You should be glad I have managed to get you in at all."

"We understand," Andre said.

Each siren had been woken very early in the morning by either Professor McGonagall, in Imani and Dioleh's case, or by Professor Snape, in the case of Andre, and had quickly been led to Dumbledore's office where they were informed he had found a way for them to listen in on the conference that was to take place that very day but that they needed to leave immediately. Disguised with bland hair colours, the three slipped in the very back of the conference and took their seats, waiting for the discussion to begin.

Finally, Cornelius Fudge got to his feet, facing the different leaders of the magical world as he greeted, "Welcome everyone to this highly anticipated meeting to discuss the potential termination of the siren species to ensure our safety. We have a long list of speakers here today that would like to present their case for or against and I see no reason to delay. First is Lucius Malfoy." Dioleh drew in a sharp breath but made no other indication she knew or cared about the name.

After giving his typical greetings and explanations, Lucius drawled, "Although I must admit finding no great comfort in the existence of sirens, I can hardly say it is in either the British Ministry or the world's best interest to exterminate them." Dioleh's eyes widened.

"Is he-?" Imani began hesitantly. Glancing over at Dioleh, she asked, "Could Draco have convinced him?"

"I doubt it," Dioleh said.

"Our problem is not that they exist," Lucius resumed firmly. "Our problem is that they have infiltrated our schools and our communities. So long as they are content to resume their lives in their seas, I see no issue with them but the purpose of this meeting should be to discuss getting them back there. Thank you."

Once Lucius had sat down, the next name was called. It was indeed a long list of names and each one seemed to repeat themselves over and over again. One was for the murder. The next was against it. The next spent the entire time arguing against himself and arguing both sides ineffectively. The final speaker was, unsurprisingly, Dumbledore himself. It was a long, hard day that, for the three sirens, seemed to never end. Finally, around six o'clock, Fudge stepped up. "Here we go," Imani sighed, sitting up slightly straighter. 

"Now, I move to begin the total extermination of sirens. As previously decided, a majority vote is required to move forward with this," Fudge said. "All those in favour?" Dioleh held her breath. In her head, she counted off the nations that raised their hands. UK, America, Colombia, Portugal, Spain, France, and others that she didn't immediately recognize. However, not a single African country or any of the other South American countries agreed. Grimly, Fudge said, "All those in favour of termination of sirens from the land?" 

Rising, the president of Ethiopia said, "With all due respect, Minister, I do believe that each country is entitled to make its own decision regarding the land belonging to it. The seas must be agreed upon but not the lands." 

"Very well," Fudge said. "Then I suppose it is settled then." Dioleh let out a breath. As people began to move through the crowd, she and the other two sirens slipped out, glancing at each other as they couldn't quite believe their luck. 

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