136. Arrangements

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After an uneventful holiday, Dioleh returned to the Hogwarts Express and quickly joined her friends in a compartment. They tried for a time to talk about their holidays before finally, Andre said, "Actually, there's something that Imani and I need to tell you both."

"Oh?" Dioleh replied, trying to hold back a smile. Donning a serious expression, she asked, "And what exactly is that?"

"Well, er, we were going to tell you on the train home but we were talking to Harry but, er," Imani began.

"We're together now," Andre said finally, taking Imani's hand in his. Both looked as though they were bracing themselves for a blow.

"Finally," Dioleh said with a light laugh.

"What?" Andre said, brows furrowed.

"Andre, no offence, but you're both really obvious," Dioleh said. "I've known you liked each other forever. When did you get together?"

"Uh, a month and a half after school started," Andre admitted. "Sorry it took us so long, we just didn't know..."

"Andre, it's fine," Dioleh assured with a smile. "You're my best friends. I want to see you happy and if that's with each other then great."


As soon as they arrived at Hogwarts and Dioleh got her trunk to her dorm, she went to Dumbledore's office just as McGonagall was emerging. "Professor," Dioleh said, approaching her. "I need to speak to Professor Dumbledore."

"Very well," she said before turning back to the gargoyle and repeating the password.

"Thank you," Dioleh said, stepping onto the spiral staircase. Once she had reached the top, she knocked.

"Come in," the pleasantly calm voice of Dumbledore replied.

Opening the door, she replied, "Hello, Professor."

"Ah, Dioleh, I was just going to arrange a meeting," he admitted. "But this works nicely. Please, sit."

"Thank you," Dioleh replied, taking a seat across the desk from Dumbledore. Taking in a deep breath, Dioleh explained, "Blaise was attacked by his dormmates the last night of the term." Instantly, Dumbledore's eyes widened with a sudden, furious alertness.

"What?" he said quickly. Dioleh could see his brow furrowed in worry.

"He's all right," Dioleh assured. "But based on the amount of damage, he either bruised or broke one or more of his ribs. He got it taken care of over the break, but we're all worried about his safety and ours."

"Do you have any idea why he was attacked?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes," Dioleh said, her tone slightly quivering. "It was a warning. To Harry. Apparently, he's been poking around their business, particularly Malfoy's. Nott, Crabbe, and Goyle had a problem with that. We guessed that they chose Blaise because he's the most accessible."

"Who knows about this?" Dumbledore asked.

"Other than the people directly involved, just you, me, Andre, Imani, Harry, Ron, and probably Hermione," Dioleh explained.

"See to it the list stays that short," Dumbeldore said sternly.

"We've set up a few precautions," Dioleh explained. "Imani, Blaise, and I will be sleeping in the hideout from now on. We believe one of the students in the girl's dormitory could be used against us. We are also trying to never go anywhere alone, as best as we can help it."

"I think that is wise," Dumbledore said.

"We tried to convince Andre to also leave his dorm, but he says that he trusts his dormmates," Dioleh added. "So, for the time being at least, he'll still be here. We also spoke to Harry asking him to just be a bit more cautious while he's investigating Malfoy." Dumbledore nodded.

"I'll set up some arrangements in the hideout and if anyone gives you trouble about it, please come speak with me," Dumbledore requested.

"Thank you," Dioleh replied, getting to her feet. "Have a good afternoon, Professor."


When Dioleh finally retreated into the hideout for the night, she noticed a large bed pressed against the corner farthest from the water, already made up with sheets and blankets. Blaise dropped down behind her, his eyes shifting to the bed. "Sweet," he said, tossing a bag onto the cleared ground beside the bed. As he stepped into the clean part, devoid of sand, Dioleh noticed that every particle of sand fled from his feet and stayed outside some invisible barrier.

"I'm glad you got a bed," Dioleh said. "I doubt sleeping on the sand all semester would be all that enjoyable."

"Yeah, you're probably right," Blaise said with a laugh. "Where are the other two?" Dioleh shrugged.

"Probably just grabbing their stuff," she replied with a shrug.

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