165. Fading Stars

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"Why do you need to get into Hogwarts?" Ginny asked, glancing between them all cautiously.

"Doesn't matter," Blaise replied blandly. "Point is, we do. So, what's the best way to do that?" Ginny hesitated a short moment before opening her mouth to talk.


The next several days were spent holed up in the girl's room with Ginny, talking over every detail of the break-in. Currently, they were discussing where exactly it could be hidden. "No, something like that couldn't just be sitting around the floors," Draco snapped, rubbing his forehead irritably.

"But then where else could it be?" Andre asked. "A hidden passageway?"

"No, Fred and George discovered them all," Ginny said. True to their word, they had not told her exactly what they were looking for or why, but they had consented to tell her that something was hidden at Hogwarts that they needed to find in order to help Harry defeat Voldemort.

"And so did these people," Andre added, gesturing to the map.

Dioleh had remained silent, her brows furrowed as she muddled her way through her thoughts. Finally, she asked, "What about the Room of Requirement?"

"Possibly," Draco replied, glancing over at her. "The room the vanishing cabinet is full of all sorts of things. It would be easy to hide anything in there."

"That's where Harry hid his potions textbook," Ginny said.

Frowning, Blaise asked, "Why would Harry hide a potions textbook?"

"Because it had a spell in that that almost killed someone," Ginny admitted awkwardly.

"So that's where Potter got that spell," Draco remarked thoughtfully. "I was wondering where someone like him learned dark magic."

"Anyway," Andre said, leaning over the map again, "the Room of Requirement is here on the seventh floor. If we can just get inside, we can stay in there as long as we need to find the...thing. I highly doubt anyone would come snooping."

"But how are we actually going to get into the school?" Imani asked. "We can barely get into Hogsmeade, how can we expect to get into the school?"

"We could try a Disillusionment Charm," Draco suggested. "Fly in on brooms."

"That wouldn't work," Ginny replied. "They have spells surrounding the school in a dome. You can't fly in."

"Maybe that wouldn't, but I think I know what would," Dioleh said. "What if we give them a reason to open the gate?"

"Like what?" Blaise asked, brows furrowed.

"A prisoner," Dioleh replied.

"Dioleh, no," Draco countered. "Not again."

"Dray, it's the best way to get the rest of you inside," Dioleh said calmly. "They open the gate to take me in, the rest of you slip inside, and I figure myself a way out."

"It's too big of a risk," Draco retorted. Turning back to the group, he suggested, "What if they take me instead? They wouldn't pass up the chance to take in a traitor."

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