168. Scarlet Eyes

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Despite Hermione's protests, Ron and Harry took off into the air with Andre, Imani, and Blaise and began searching for the other three. Dioleh quickly adjusted the wind to move around their brooms. "We need to head toward the door!" Draco shouted over the wind. Dioleh nodded but didn't speak. After blasting a hole through their dead-end, Draco squeezed through, making it bigger as he went. Once Dioleh had gotten through, they got through the passages until they came towards the door which was a few dozen meters away from them. The flame was still coming towards them and neither of them could see any sign of the others. The smoke caused Dioleh's eyes to water and both of them began to cough heavily.

"Where are they?" Dioleh cried in panic, her throat raw from the smoke.

"I can't see them!" Draco replied before beginning to cough heavily. Crouching down towards the floor, he continued coughing as his eyes grew red.

"Go, Draco!" Dioleh shouted, breaking into her own coughing fit as the air around her flooded her lungs with the oppressive smoke.

"Hell no," he retorted huskily, letting out another cough.

"You need to go, Dray!" Dioleh snapped.

Getting back up to his feet, Draco faced her, his eyes even more red from their irritation at the smoke, and said, "Dioleh, I will not leave them and I sure as hell won't leave you."

"Dray-" Dioleh began.

Cupping her cheek, Draco retorted, "I won't leave you." Dioleh's breath caught in her throat as his eyes met hers with a ferocity and determination she hadn't seen from him before.

"Dray," she said softly, lowering one hand to wrap loosely around his wrist by her jaw. Before she could get out the rest of her thought, a harsh cough left her lips and the next moment, two shapes were soaring towards them. Draco only just managed to grab Dioleh and dive out of the way before Hermione, Ron, and Blaise came into a crash landing just outside the Room of Requirement with Goyle, crashing through both doors in the process.

"Come on," Draco cried, helping Dioleh to her feet and helping her along to the door.

"Wait, Dray," Dioleh said quickly. He turned back around just in time for her to cup his cheeks and press her lips to his briefly.

"Wha-" he began, brows furrowed.

"If we die today, I need you to know that I still love you," she said quickly. "Now, to lessen that chance, let's get out of here."

"R-Right," he stuttered as Dioleh took his hand and pulled him behind her as Harry soared past them to land with Andre, Imani, and Theodore behind him. Instantly Dioleh collapsed and the door disappeared behind them. Draco let out several hacking coughs as he fell to his hands and knees. When she looked up, Dioleh saw that Goyle was unconscious, Ron and Hermione were sitting up and breathing heavily, and Harry had just rolled onto his back and was in the process of sitting up. Andre and Imani were coughing heavily while Blaise was attempting to draw in deep breaths.

"Crabbe," Dioleh gasped finally.

"He's dead," Ron said monotonously. Draco closed his eyes, regret flashing across his features as he drew in a deep breath and released it. Opening his eyes, he shifted his gaze to Theodore who was still conscious, although silent.

"Take his wand," Draco said hoarsely. Blaise leaned forward, almost tiredly and took it from him.

"Thanking you very kindly," he said sarcastically.

"It had to have been destroyed in there," Imani said in a gasping, gravely voice.

Finally calm, Harry said, "Then we need to get to the last one."

"We need to find him," Dioleh said weakly. "I still have my mirror. We'll let you know if we find him."

"Which all of you is going?" Hermione asked.

"Me," Dioleh said instantly.

"If you're going then so am I," Draco said insistently.

"Yeah, yeah, fine," Dioleh said dismissively, although Hermione and Imani did not miss the small smile that crossed her lips.

"And the rest of you?" Harry asked, glancing at Blaise, Andre, and Imani.

Frowning, Imani said, "By the sound of it, Death Eaters got in here. We need to stay and help."

"Then, we'll see you lot later," Dioleh said. Before she could turn away, Hermione launched herself at her sister and embraced her tightly. "I'll come back, don't worry, Hermione," Dioleh said gently. After detaching herself, Dioleh drew her wand and turned back to Draco to begin their journey down to the grounds.

"If Death Eaters just got in, he can't be anywhere inside," Draco muttered as they passed through a hidden passageway down to the first floor.

"Where could he be on the grounds, though?" Dioleh asked.

"Forbidden Forest?" Draco suggested, shooting a spell quickly at a Death Eater who attempted to come towards them as they passed through the front door.

"Maybe," Dioleh said uncertainly.

"So much faith," Draco joked. Dioleh could tell it was half-hearted. The moon shone brightly around them, casting the grounds in a dazzling state of light. Scanning them, Dioleh's eyes latched on something and she let out a gasp, stumbling to a stop. "What?" Draco asked, turning back to where she was standing, staring.

"Pettigrew," she hissed, breaking into a run.

"Pettigrew is dead, love," Draco replied, running to catch up with her. Ignoring him, Dioleh quickly disabled the Willow and dropped into the opening. Brows furrowed, Draco followed behind her into the tunnel as she explained in a whisper about the secret passage into the Shrieking Shack.

"Pettigrew had to have told him," Dioleh finished quietly, coming to a stop as they had almost reached the entrance. Draco opened his mouth to respond but Dioleh quickly shushed him as the harsh creaking of boards above them reached their ears. Sharing a glance, Draco and Dioleh inched forward until they had come to the trap door through which they could enter. Looking up through the cracks, they could see the pale skin and scarlet eyes of Voldemort.

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