150. Scars

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Imani felt as though she was dreaming as she followed Draco out of the cellar, supporting Ollivander along and up the steps. They were about halfway up when Draco stopped and turned to face them and Luna who was just behind. In turn, he leaned towards each of them and whispered so softly they weren't sure they heard him right. "The silencing charms end at the entryway. We must be silent. We just need to get out onto the grounds to apparate." Before he could turn back around, Imani pressed something into his palm. Turning it over, he recognized his watch. Clasping it around his wrist again, Draco turned back around.

The living room where the cellar came up from was attached to a long hallway that led to the front door. It was there that Draco silently led them. Ollivander was having the most trouble staying silent as he kept accidentally losing his footing or forgetting not to talk, even at a whisper. Luna and Imani moved like phantoms over the dark wood. They were three feet from the hallway now. Draco began to silently hope they would actually make it through. He had reached the door.

Glancing back, he saw that the other three were right behind him. Placing a single finger over his lips, he lay his hand on the knob and began to slowly twist it. Cold winter wind blew towards them through the crack as Draco gently pulled it open. Stepping back, he gestured for the other three to file out before he followed behind. Imani went first. Next went Luna. Finally, Ollivander went through. Draco quickly followed him, shutting the door behind them. The moment he turned back around, there was a blinding flash and Draco had to duck to avoid the light shooting towards him. Looking towards the door, he saw that it had seared a hole straight through.

"Come on!" Draco called, grabbing onto two of them and rushing behind two stone statues. The moment they were on the grounds, hundreds of spells came crashing towards them. Draco grabbed onto Imani, pulling her behind him to shield her from fire as Ollivander and Luna crouched behind the second statue. "We need to get out of here!" Imani cried over the noise of crashing all around them.

"Not without them!" Draco retorted, gesturing to the other statue. "Luna!" The pale girl attempted to move towards them between statues but a single shot from one of the waiting Death Eaters caused her to collapse. Draco could tell with one look that there was no moving Ollivander. He had crouched down at the foot of the statue and was shaking so badly he couldn't move.

"Draco!" Imani called over the noise. "If we don't get out now, we don't get out at all!"

"I'm grabbing Luna first," he retorted. Jumping forward, he attempted to grab hold of Luna's wrist but before he could quite reach it, a searing pain exploded over his entire body. He was flung back into the fencing behind them. With an irritated cry, Imani rushed towards him, dodging hits herself. Grabbing his wrist in a deathgrip, she disapparated. In that instant, all the noise disappeared.

Draco was laying in the snow, drawing in harsh breaths as blood poured from the hundreds of cuts formed by the spell he had been hit with. It was as though a hundred throwing knives had lodged themselves in his torso. Marks had even found their way to his forehead and neck. Imani crouched beside him, trying to find the worst of the bleeding to try and stop it. Looking up, she saw that they were in front of a large house. Her mind was so muddled she couldn't even recognize it as she pressed her hands into the worst of the cuts. Draco groaned, drawing in harsh breaths as he struggled to stay awake. The snow all around them was stain red.


Blaise and Andre were up late discussing other ways to possibly destroy Horcruxes when Blaise suddenly sat up from his spot at a window seat. "Andre," he said quickly. "Do you see that?" Getting up, Andre rushed over to the window. Through the fluries of snow, he could see two dark figures against the snow.

"Come on," Andre said, reaching into his pocket for his wand. "Let's go check it out." Taking out his own wand, Blaise followed behind as they moved to the front door. They began to shiver as they moved forward. As they got closer, Andre suddenly recognized the pale pink of Imani's hair. "Imani!" he cried. She looked up.

"Andre?" she whispered. Blaise moved forward and quickly recognized Draco.

"Oh my god," he said. "What happened?" Imani couldn't speak.

"We need to save him," she said.

"Alright, Andre, help me," Blaise said, moving to Draco's head to lift him at the shoulders. Moving to his feet, Andre helped pick him up as Imani rushed to open the door. Once he was inside, Imani shut the door behind them as they carried him to a large table in the dining room. "Get Dioleh," Blaise said. "She's upstairs." Imani nodded and rushed away as Blaise started surveying the damage.

"Blaise," Draco said thickly. Before he could say more, he rolled over and began to cough. Blood spewed from his mouth.

"There must be internal bleeding," Blaise said, eyeing the blood.

"Blaise!" Dioleh called, rushing down the stairs. The moment her eyes landed on Draco, she paused, her eyes wide. After a moment's hesitation, she rushed forward to his head and began to wash away the blood from one of the cuts there.

"Dioleh," Draco whispered, attempting to move his arm up to her.

"Lay still," Andre ordered, snapping his arm back down onto the table.

"I-I killed you?" Draco said in confusion. Dioleh ignored him. Moving Draco's sweatshirt and t-shirt out of the way, Blaise revealed the cuts lining his torso.

"Only a few of them are deep," Blaise said. "I think I know the spell to heal them. Stand back." Everyone moved out of the way as Blaise raised his wand. He began quietly muttering to himself. Dioleh watched as the cuts began to seal themselves, making them look days old. Finally, only two were left. After a few more courses of the spell, even those were reduced to just scars.

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