32. The Burrow

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Miniature author's note: As I am writing this and trying to develop the relationship between Dioleh and Draco, I am swiftly realizing more and more that J.K. Rowling did absolutely no characterization for Draco so I am having to change his character a little bit so his storyline will not be exactly according to the books. I will try to be as true to the original story as possible, but certain changes will be made for the sake of my sanity and writing the story in a way that won't make me lose my mind. If you have a problem with that then...have fun I guess.

"Hello, dear," Mrs. Weasley said the moment Dioleh and Hermione walked in with their trunks. She embraced both girls and smiled at them, adding, "You'll both be staying in Ginny's room."

"Hey, Ginny," Dioleh said, smiling at the young girl. Dioleh didn't know her well as they didn't share a common room or any classes, but she had seen her around. Ginny smiled back at her and the three girls headed up into Ginny's room. It was on the small side but had a large window overlooking the yard and soft pink walls with posters of Quidditch teams and bands. Two cots had been set up and soon Hermione and Dioleh were settled in.

Just as they did, Mrs. Weasley came in, remarking, "Harry should be here any minute now. The boys just went to get him." The three girls glanced at each other and headed down after her into the kitchen. Coming inside, they saw Harry and all the Weasleys, apart from Percy, including two Dioleh had never seen before. She concluded that they must be Bill and Charlie.

"Harry," Dioleh said. He smiled at her and the two girls with her. Dioleh smirked, glancing back to see Ginny looking quite red.

"Shut up," she muttered, making Dioleh's smirk merely widen.

"Tell me what, Arthur?" Mrs. Weasley said forcibly.

"It's nothing, Molly," he said awkwardly. "Fred and George just - but I've had words with them-"

"What have they done this time?" Mrs. Weasley snapped. "If it's got anything to do with Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes-"

"Why don't you show Harry where he's sleeping, Ron?" Hermione suggested awkwardly.

"He knows where he's sleeping," Ron replied, not thinking. "In my room, he slept there last-"

"We can all go," Hermione said pointedly.

"Oh," Ron realized. "Right."

"Yeah, we'll come too," George said, making a move to leave with Fred.

"You stay where you are!" Mrs. Weasley roared. She continued yelling, but Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny followed Dioleh in edging out of the room and headed up the stairs. Ginny left to go to her own room, but the four that remained went to Ron's room.

"So, have you lot had a good holiday?" Harry asked, sitting on the camp bed that had been set up for him.

"Decent," Dioleh said. "I ended up having to tell Oscar and Jean about..."

"Why?" Ron asked.

"She kept disappearing in the middle of the night," Hermione explained. "We live ten miles from the beach so Dioleh kept leaving in the middle of the night. They thought she was doing drugs or something so we had to tell them the truth."

"How did that go?" Harry asked tensely, thinking about how the Dursleys would react if he told them he was part fish.

With a smile, Dioleh said, "Well considering the fact that they aren't wizards and therefore haven't been taught to hate and fear my kind all their life, it went pretty well. Bit more of a shock for them, honestly."

"Yeah, you could say that," Hermione said with an amused smile.

"What about while you're here?" Ron asked. "My parents will notice if you disappear like that."

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