182. A Conclusion

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When night had fallen, Dioleh gathered her things and headed towards the door, but before she could reach it, a voice said, "Leaving so soon?" Dioleh froze.

"Theodore," she whispered shakily. She heard his footsteps approaching but she couldn't bring herself to move. "How did you get past the aurors?" She hated how her voice shook.

"Had to bloody them up a bit," he replied off-handedly. "Now, where is my brother?"

"H-He's not here," Dioleh lied.

"Do not lie to me," Theodore hissed. Dioleh let out a shocked shriek as he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her back against the wall, covering her mouth with his hand. "Scream again and I kill you and everyone in this house," he snapped lowly.

"O-Okay," Dioleh said shakily.

"Now where is Leo?" he snarled.

"Stop!" a voice called. Dioleh and Nott both looked up to see a shaking Leo at the top of the stairs. "Let her go, Theo!"

"Leo, no!" Dioleh cried.

"Shut it!" Theodore cried, slamming her back against the wall. Dioleh let out a pained cry as her head hit the wall.

"Stop!" Leo called again, rushing down the stairs. "Don't hurt her!"

"Leo, I don't know what they've been telling you, but-" Theodore began.

"I know everything, Theo," Leo retorted. "I know you're a Death Eater. I know you want to kill them and take me."

"They took you first!" Theodore shouted, pressing his wand into Dioleh's throat.

"No, they didn't!" Leo retorted. "No one wanted me, Theo. No one wanted to take me in and Draco gave me a home. He gave me a family."

"I'm your family!" Theodore shouted.

"No you're not because if you were, you wouldn't be trying to take me away from somewhere where I'm happy!" Leo retorted. The look of hurt that flashed across Theodore's face was almost enough to make Dioleh pity him. At least, until he turned his attention back on her.

"What have you done to him?" he snarled.

"Nothing," she said, struggling to keep her shaking voice steady.

"I don't believe you," he snapped. Dioleh flinched as sparks flew from his wand tip, burning her skin.

"Theodore," Draco called, stepping down the stairs and pushing Leo behind him protectively. "Let her go." The other boys had by now woken up from the noise and were crowding at the top of the stairs, staring in horror at the scene. "Let Dioleh go," he said again.

"Not until Leo agrees to go with me," Theodore retorted.

"That's not going to happen either," Draco countered, forcing his voice to steady. "Let her go and take me instead."

"No!" several voices shouted. The boys rushed down the stairs, standing between Draco and Theodore, several with wands raised. The sight brought tears to Dioleh's eyes.

"Why can't you just leave us alone?" Enzo cried. He was one of the ones without a wand as he was only seven, but even so, he caused Theodore to pause.

"Don't take Leo from us," Caleb protested with tears in his eyes. Theodore was so shocked, that he seemed to have forgotten how to speak. In his momentary confusion, Dioleh raised her hands and sent him flying with a crash against the wall. Leo let out a shocked cry. Dioleh let out a shaky breath, crouching beside him and feeling for a pulse.

"He's still alive," she said wearily, lowering her hand and sitting back. "Draco, go see what became of all the aurors." Nodding, he quickly did as she asked. Leo rushed forward to Dioleh, helping her to her feet as Milo went to the kitchen to make a pot of tea. Pulling out her wand, Dioleh bound Theodore and allowed herself to be led to one of the couches.

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