113. Necessary Sacrifices

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Seemingly from nowhere, a huge wind started up, knocking every prophecy down. There was such a mangle of voice and crashing that they knew the Death Eaters had no clue where they were. "Go, go!" Dioleh shouted, forcing them each into the first door they saw. Slamming the door behind her, she cast a quick spell to lock it.

The moment it was shut, Andre rounded on her, his eyes wide and angry. "What the hell were you thinking, Dioleh!" he shouted.

"Not the time!" Imani cried, rushing to the door across the room. "We need to get out of here."

"I have no idea where we are," Blaise admitted, looking around the room with a perplexed expression on his face. There was a sudden banging on the door behind them and Dioleh quickly pushed them through the opposite door. They came out into another room.

"We need to split up," Dioleh said urgently. "Confuse them."

"Blaise, go with Dioleh," Andre said. Blaise nodded and the two of them rushed off into the first door they saw while Andre and Imani ran into another one. They found themselves in a long hallway.

"Oh, no," Blaise said. "Come on, run!" They began sprinting and Dioleh quickly figured out why he had seemed to dread this room. The floor began moving against them, forcing them to run faster than the flooring. Behind them, the door opened with a crash. They had only made it about halfway down the hallway.

"Blaise, go!" Dioleh screamed, pointing her wand at him and shooting him toward the door. He looked back, now on solid ground as she tried to rush forward.

"I'm not leaving you!" he retorted.

"GO!" Dioleh screamed as she felt the Death Eater behind her pull her back. "IT'S NO GOOD IF WE'RE BOTH TAKEN!" Blaise hesitated another moment before rushing away. Dioleh turned, finding herself face-to-face with Lucius. Instantly, he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her back against the wall, pure hatred lining his features.

"You," he spat. Dioleh drew in a strangled breath as she desperately scratched at his hand at her throat. Tightening his hold, he hissed, "You've been lying to him all this time?! You're going to get him killed!" Dioleh sputtered, her oxygen-deprived mind struggling to understand what he meant. Slamming her head back against the tile wall, he screamed, "MY SON COULD DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!"

Dioleh desperately kicked at him until she finally landed a hit between his legs. Instantly he dropped her, hissing in pain as she fell to the ground, gasping harshly for air. Recovering, he kicked her hard in the stomach before raising his wand. "CRUCIO!" The pain that spread over her body was far worse than anything Umbridge had managed to inflict upon her. The effects of the spell wore off and Dioleh lay on her back, sweat beading her skin as her muscles screamed in agony. Crouching down beside her, Lucius caught a painful hold of her hair and forced her to face him.

"I won't allow you to be the death of my son, siren," he hissed. "I only despise myself for not realizing sooner. The hair should have given you away! You are destroying my son. I should have guessed. His sudden change in behaviour, his sudden disdain toward my ideas. You've enchanted him! And what I just saw...no spell by a Hogwarts student creates wind like that." Dioleh winced as he finally let go. Anger still consumed his expression as he aimed another kick at her stomach. He let out an angry cry and Dioleh felt the tip of his boots drive into her side again and again and again. Dioleh coughed, rolling onto her side and coughing up blood. Grabbing her by the hair, he slammed her against the wall and when she tried to stand straight and face him, he raised a knife to her throat. Dioleh stopped right where she was.

Slowly, she said, "I never hurt Draco." Lucius let out an animalistic scream and she felt punch after punch reach her face and once she even felt the blade cut across her. Grabbing her by the hair again, Lucius pulled her to her feet and dragged her with him out of the room and back into the Hall of Prophecy and out through a few more rooms.

As they passed through another room, Dioleh whispered, "I never enchanted Draco." Lucius let out another angry cry, slamming her forward into the wall. Dioleh's eyes instantly began to water as she felt her nose snap. A strangled sob left her lips as blood poured over her face. Lucius led her through to the room with the chasm and the arch. At the very bottom, she saw Harry laying on his back with a stunned expression that led her to believe he had just fallen. Before she could think much about it, Lucius shoved her forward and she found herself rolling down the sharp, stone steps. Dioleh fell near Harry, coughing up more blood as he helped her to her feet.

"Bloody hell, are you all right?" Harry asked desperately, scanning over her injuries.

"He knows, Harry," Dioleh whispered. "Lucius knows." Harry's eyes widened as six Death Eaters, including Lucius and Bellatrix, descended down the steps towards them. Harry was shaking terribly as he looked up with his wand raised. Dioleh drew out hers as well, but her entire body screamed in agony as she did so. Dioleh backed up, her wand raised shakily as more and more Death Eaters streamed into the room. Harry and Dioleh quickly climbed up onto the dias on which the arch and veil stood. The Death Eaters halted, Lucius stepping to the front. Dioleh could tell he was still livid with fury.

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