103. Promises

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When Dioleh stepped into detention the next night, she had expected Umbridge to be more unforgiving than before, but what she had not expected was to see Professor Snape standing in the corner. She cast him a confused look but he ignored her. As he moved forward to Umbridge, she saw the long sleeve of his robe slip slightly, revealing to her a small bottle. Frowning, Dioleh took her seat and waited to be handed the Blood Quill and parchment but instead of doing so, Umbridge set before her a cup of tea.

Apprehensively, Dioleh looked at it before casting her confused look to Umbridge. "I believe we ought to have a discussion after last night's events," she explained sweetly.

"I see," Dioleh said. Pushing the tea away slightly, she said, "Sorry, Professor, I don't like tea."

"Coffee? Pumpkin juice?" she offered.

"Coffee, I suppose," Dioleh replied quietly. Umbridge turned from her, taking the tea with her. After a few moments, she set a steaming cup of coffee in front of her. Hesitantly, Dioleh pressed her lips against the edge, keeping her lips firmly together to make it appear as though she had taken a sip and she was careful not to lick her lips. Instead, she wiped the edge of her robe against her lips. "What in particular did you wish to discuss?" she asked.

Leaning forward, Umbridge demanded, "Where is Dumbledore?" Dioleh instantly paled. She knew now what must have been in that coffee.

"I don't know," she said, trying to make her voice sound robotic. Umbridge clicked her tongue irritably.

"Were there meetings over the past six months?" she asked.

"No," Dioleh said in the same forced, robotic voice.

"What is Potter planning?"

"Nothing," Dioleh said but her voice slipped.

"Drink up," Umbridge ordered. Dioleh took another false sip. "What is Potter planning?"

"Nothing," Dioleh repeated.

Rising to her feet, Umbridge snapped, "Fine. What has Dumbledore been planning?"

"Nothing," Dioleh said again.

"Answer me!" Umbridge screamed, knocking the coffee to the ground and causing the glass to shatter. Dioleh started back, looking between the glass and Umbridge's crazed face before her. She raised her wand, pointing it to Dioleh's head as a surge of anger so severe it caused fear to explode in Dioleh's chest coursed over her features. "Crucio," she cried. Instantly, Dioleh felt pain encompassing her body like a scorching fire. She screamed, falling out of her chair and onto the floor. As the effects of the curse began to wear off, she staggered to her feet, leaning back against the wall to support herself, gazing at Umbridge like she was seeing something she had never expected.

"W-Wha-" Dioleh gasped. "H-How could you?" She collapsed, the pain and soreness in her legs becoming too much. By Umbridge's expression, she could tell the action had surprised her as well. Nonetheless, she recovered quickly, striding over to Dioleh and crouching over her.

"One word about this to anyone, A SINGLE PERSON," she yelled. "And I will frame you for whatever crime I have to to get you locked up for life." Dioleh began to cry as Umbridge pressed her wand into her throat. "Not a word! Do you understand me?!" Dioleh let out a shocked cry, pressing herself back into the wall as she nodded with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Good. Now go! You are excused from the rest of your detentions." Dioleh staggered to her feet and quickly rushed out the door in tears before collapsing against the wall outside and finally allowing herself to completely break down.

"Dioleh!" Hermione cried, rushing towards her. Hermione quickly wrapped her arms around her sister, holding her tightly. "Come on," she ordered, helping her up.

"What's a Slytherin doing here?" Dioleh heard a voice whisper as Hermione sat her down on a couch and wrapped her arms around her tightly.

"What happened?" Harry asked quietly, setting aside his homework.

"I don't know," Hermione admitted. "I found her by Umbridge's office." Harry instantly went to Dioleh's side to check her hand. "I didn't want to take her to Slytherin Common Room since most everyone is at dinner."

"I'll go get Draco," Harry offered. Hermione nodded.

"Dioleh, what happened?" Hermione asked. She couldn't say anything. She could only sob and sob and sob until Harry returned and Draco rushed in with Imani behind him. Dioleh looked up and saw him and realized for the first time that she was back in the Gryffindor Common Room for the first time since she had broken in in third year. Draco crouched down in front of her, taking her hands in his.

"Love, what happened?" he asked. Dioleh had just begun to calm down but she felt as though she couldn't breath.

"Wait," Imani said. "Everyone back up. Give her space."

"What?" Hermione said. "But she's upset."

"Yeah, and she's having a panic attack," Imani said. Instantly, Draco let go, knowing how physical touch didn't help her when she was having severe panic attacks. Draco moved over so Imani could get in front of Dioleh as she began to guide Dioleh through breathing and Hermione got off the couch to give her space. After about twenty minutes, Dioleh's breathing had normallized and her tears had slowed. "Now what happened, Dio?" Imani asked gently.

Drawing in a deep breath, Dioleh said, "I can't- I can't tell you."

Hermione frowned but Draco asked, "Did she threaten you?" Dioleh nodded, beginning to cry once more. Sitting beside her, Draco held out his arms to her so as to allow her to reject the touch if she wasn't ready, but she quickly fell into his embrace, burying her head in the crook of his neck as he began to play with her hair and rub her back to calm her. Hermione looked at the pair of them, suddenly beginning to feel bad for the way she had spoken to Dioleh about her relationship with him. She could tell by the way he held her close and tried to sooth her that he did in fact care, possibly far more than she could have ever guessed.

Dioleh's tears had stopped and she seemed to everyone to almost be asleep. "What happened, my love?" Draco asked quietly.

"She said that if I told anyone she would get me locked up," Dioleh whispered.

"It's all right," he assured, holding her tight and continuing to run his hand over her back in comforting circles. "And what is she trying to keep you from telling anyone?" Dioleh's breathing picked up.

"I can't tell anyone," she said shakily. "She'll end me."

"We won't tell anyone," Imani promised.

"I won't either," Hermione said.

"And you know I won't," Draco said soothingly.

After debating silently to herself, Dioleh said, "S-She used the Cruciatus Curse on me after she didn't get the answers she wanted." Draco tightened his hold instinctively, drawing in a deep breath to soothe the sudden anger that bubbled up in his chest. "Only once, but then she threatened me."

"It's okay," Draco assured, holding her tightly to him. "You're all right. Everything is all right." And right there, Dioleh fell asleep in his arms. They sat in silence for a long time aside from the steady, deep breathing of Dioleh in Draco's arms.

"What are we going to do?" Hermione said softly.

"Hermione, I don't think we can do anything," Harry said bitterly. "Now that Dumbledore's gone, there's no one who could stand against Umbridge and unfortunely, I think she actually has the power to do what she said she would if Dioleh told."

"I think you're right," Draco said. "And I won't see her hurt."

"What about your father, Draco?" Imani asked. "If you told him, would he do anything?"

"I don't know that he could," Draco admitted. "He has influence, not control, but I can talk to him and see what I can do, but it might take some time what with her searching our mail."

"Well, let us know what happens," Hermione said.

"I will," Draco promised.

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