169. Lost

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"So the Malfoy boy is here as well?" Voldemort asked, turning away from where they could see him.

"Yes, my lord," a drawing voice replied. "I saw him myself."

"Find him and bring him to me," Voldemort ordered coldly. "And that girl he keeps with him. Granger. Bring me them both." Swallowing, Dioleh grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him away from the tunnel. Upon emerging, they stared at each other, each trying to process what they had heard.

After a moment's silence, Draco said, "I know this sounds like a stupid question, but why does he want us? I mean, what is so important to him about us that he wants to pay that much attention to us in the middle of a battle?"

"I don't think we want to find out," Dioleh replied. "But come on. We need to get back inside if we don't want to make things too easy for them."

"Dioleh," Draco said quickly.

"What?" she replied, glancing back.

"What you did before we got out of the fire," he said.

Releasing a small breath, Dioleh asked, "Isn't this slightly bad timing? There's kind of a battle going on and we're kind of a part of it."

"I didn't bring it up because I thought we should discuss our relationship right now," Draco countered with a small smile. "I just wanted to let you know. I still love you too." Despite the chaos around them, Dioleh felt a calm wash over her at his words.

After a calm hesitation, Dioleh, attempting to restrain her smile, said, "We should get back to the others." Draco nodded, coming to her side and taking her hand in his. Dioleh let out a long breath as calm washed over her, but as she saw and heard the evidence of battle grow, her expression shifted to one of set determination. Breaking through the door, Draco and Dioleh separated, sending spells flying to every Death Eater in sight.

Rushing up the stairs, Dioleh spotted Hermione, Ron, and Harry and rushed to them. "Shrieking Shack," she explained. "That's where he is."

"Then we're headed there," Harry said firmly.

"We'll do our best here," Dioleh promised. She watched a few moments as they went out the door before turning back to find a Death Eater rushing towards her. Diving out of the way, Dioleh raised her wand and attempted to shoot a spell at him before her wrist was grabbed from behind and forced upwards. Her spell instead hit the ceiling, causing part of it to crumble. With a cry, she attempted to wrestle her arm out of their grip until another arm caught her waist in a bone-crushing grip. Struggle though she might, she couldn't move. Then there was a flash of pain in the back of her head and all faded to black.


Draco had been duelling ever since they had entered the hall and although he was doing fairly well, he had as of yet been unable to debilitate his opponent. It wasn't until he saw a flash of blue and purple that his eyes strayed from what was going on and he turned just in time to see Dioleh dragged out of the hall by her hair.

"Dioleh!" he cried, rushing forward. A flash of light reached him and he crumbled to the ground.


Dioleh and Draco were flung down on the ground in the Forbidden Forest one after the other. Narcissa started, almost darting towards her son before Lucius caught her by the waist, giving her a fearful look as he held her back. Narcissa released a breath and turned so she could not see Draco. The Death Eaters in the forest were deadly silent as they waited. Voldemort had parted from them and had yet to appear. A small groan left Dioleh's lips as she came to. Instantly, pain surged from her head and she winced reaching back to her head as she sat up. Her vision was hazy and unfocused as she attempted to see her surroundings.

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