170. Accidental Prank of the Century

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Harry came to only a few moments after Voldemort had hit him with the Killing Curse. The only sound was a bitter sobbing somewhere to Harry's left. He realized with a start that it must be Dioleh. For the smallest second possible, Harry opened his eyes before quickly closing them again and considering the sight. Death Eaters had been backing away from Voldemort who was collapsed on the ground and was getting himself up.

"My Lord, let me-" Bellatrix began.

"I do not require assistance," Voldemort snapped. "The boy...is he dead?" Silence. Only Dioleh's sobs remained now. "You," he said coldly. There was a bang and a shriek. "Examine him. Tell me whether he is dead." Draco looked up to see his mother coming towards them. She met his gaze regretfully and Draco felt his heart clench at the sight of her. Dark circles lined her eyes and her skin had taken on a slightly greyish tinge.

Crouching by Harry, she reached under his shirt to feel his heart. Draco watched her closely as she froze suddenly, her eyes wide. His brows furrowed as she glanced up at him quickly before she bent over Harry, shielding his face from the sight of anyone watching. After a few moments, she sat up and got to her feet. "He is dead!" Narcissa cried. Dioleh let out another harsh sob, clutching onto Draco tightly, but he was still staring at his mother in confusion. Shifting his gaze to Harry, he watched for any sign of life.

"You see?" Voldemort called gleefully. "Harry Potter is dead by my hand, and no man can threaten me now! Watch! Crucio!" Dioleh shook in Draco's arms, but he was still watching Harry, his face hidden in Dioleh's hair to hide his expression from the Death Eaters. After he had been thrown about, Voldemort ordered, "Now! We go to the castle and show them what has become of their hero. Who shall drag the body? No...wait." Voldemort's eyes moved over to Dioleh and Draco. "The two of you will carry him." Dioleh pulled away from Draco, her eyes still blinded by tears as she took Harry's fallen glasses from the ground and crouched beside him to put them on. Then, with Draco's help, they picked him up.

Draco, who was by Harry's head, shifted his fingers to Harry's neck, feeling for a pulse. The moment the steady pounding reached him, he let out a small breath, but otherwise remained completely emotionless. Dioleh could not focus on anything as she passed through the forest clutching Harry's body. He had been in many ways as much like a brother as Andre was. To feel the weight of his dead body in her arms was enough to cause her to break down in tears. But she refused to cry more. She refused to give Voldemort the satisfaction.

They had left the forest now and were approaching the courtyard, now merely a collection of rubble. Dioleh winced as McGonagall appeared, letting out a blood-curdling scream of shock. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny screamed next and that was more terrible still. A terrible shout rose up from the survivors until Voldemort shouted, "SILENCE! It is over. Set him down at my feet where he belongs." Draco and Dioleh took a few steps forward and lay him a few feet to Voldemort's right. "I said at my feet!" Voldemort shouted. With a flick of his wand, a gash appeared on Draco's cheek and began gushing blood.

The look of venom Draco sent him was so scathing Dioleh wondered how Voldemort had the nerve to smile. Draco stepped forward towards him before spitting at his feet. "Move him yourself," he snapped. Dioleh flinched, expecting Voldemort to lash out but instead, he laughed.

"I will give you this, Lucius, your son has far more spine than you ever did," Voldemort remarked. Eyeing him carefully, he remarked, "Pity." Raising his voice again, he said, "Dear Draco, here, is going to demonstrate what happens to those who dare to oppose me."

"NO!" Dioleh screamed, rushing forward and shoving Draco behind her. "You won't hurt him!"

"Stand aside, you filthy siren," Voldemort spat. "I think the world needs to see what you really are." Before Dioleh could process what he was saying, he flicked his wand towards her and a sudden, white-hot pain spread across her body. Dioleh screamed, falling to the ground as something inside of her fought to get out. She felt as though at any moment she might explode. Before she could think better of it, her true form emerged and a collective gasp echoed from the crowd. Dioleh gasped in pain. Draco had collapsed beside her as soon as she fell and was now holding her to him, glaring up at Voldemort.

"Dioleh!" Andre shouted, shoving through the crowd and rushing towards her. Voldemort raised his wand, freezing Andre in place. Bubbles ran under his skin and he began feeling the same searing pain Dioleh had felt a moment before. Sweat covered his body as he let out a pained gasp. Just before he was forced to transform, Voldemort lowered his wand and Andre fell back to the ground. Imani rushed towards him and helped him back and to his feet, her eyes full of fear.

Then, several things happened at once. Neville burst forward with a sword in hand and killed Voldemort's snake while Harry slipped under his invisibility cloak, a herd of centaurs attacked, and Dioleh managed to force herself back. Draco quickly helped Dioleh to her feet and rushed away in the chaos towards the crowd closer to the school.

Blaise, Andre, and Imani were already duelling and Draco was quickly attacked by one of the Death Eaters while another went after Dioleh. All five quickly finished off their opponents and soon the entire hall was watching as Bellatrix duelled Molly Weasley and Voldemort duelled McGonagall, Kingsley, and Slughorn. Then, with one final spell, Molly finished off Bellatrix. Voldemort roared, sending all three adults flying before turning on Molly.

Before he could fire a spell at her, a voice shouted, "Protego!" Directly to Dioleh's right, something flashed into her eyesight and she turned to see Harry. Dioleh screamed, covering her mouth with her hands as Draco grinned.

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