153. Betrayal's Lingering Sting

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Dioleh awoke early the next morning, for once not because of her wretched dreams. The sky was only just beginning to get light. Getting to her feet, Dioleh quickly changed into the white sweater and jeans she had set out for the day as she tossed her bag filled with all her things onto her back. Trying to remain as quiet as possible, Dioleh shut her door and headed down the stairs. Setting aside her bag, she went to the kitchen to find that Blaise was already up. "Hey," she said.

"Hey," he replied, not looking up from the pancakes he was flipping.

"I spoke to Draco last night," Dioleh said quietly. "He's agreed to not ask questions. I don't think we need to worry about him much."

"Is that really what you think?" Blaise asked, glancing up at her as he placed two pancakes on a plate and handed it to her.

"Don't ask me that, Blaise," Dioleh sighed, grabbing a fork from a drawer and beginning to cut into the chocolate chip pancakes. "I can't think about that right now."

"I don't understand why you're so willing to trust him," Blaise snapped. "After everything he's done to you, to me, and you're just willing to ignore all of that. I get why Andre is. Draco saved Imani and he loves her or whatever. I get it. But you? Why are you so willing to forgive him?"

"I lived with anger for a long time, Blaise," Dioleh said. "I can't do that again."

"Even if you get hurt because of it?" Blaise retorted.

"I've already lost all my family, died, came back to life, been locked in a box for months, gotten beaten up by my then-boyfriend's father, gotten my heart torn to shreds, and died...again," Dioleh said. "What else could possibly happen? It can hardly get any worse than it already is."

"Look, when Draco hurt you, I lost my best friend," Blaise said. "And I don't blame you for that, but I stuck by Draco no matter what for years. I stuck by him as he tried to figure out which way he would go. I thought I would be fine either way. I thought I could handle it if he went the wrong way because I never imagined he would hurt any of us. But then I got wrapped up into all of this and suddenly I had a side."

"Blaise, I know that you struggle to let people in," Dioleh said softly. "But having him here doesn't mean you have to. It just means he's here. Ignore him if you need to. But if we send him out there to die, we are no better than any of those Death Eaters."

"I know," Blaise sighed. "I still haven't seen him."

"We had a bit of a row last night," Dioleh admitted.

"What about?" Blaise asked.

"Me not being dead," Dioleh explained. "And his betrayal."

"Dioleh, we could just keep him here," Blaise said. "One of us could stay while the rest go and meet up with the others."

"No, Blaise," Dioleh protested. "We are all apart of this. I'm not leaving anyone behind. Besides, I think we all need to get out of this house. I'm sure You-Know-Who is aware you were Draco's closest friend. I'm willing to bet he'll come searching for you. I'll go make sure the others are awake. Thank you for the pancakes." Blaise nodded dismissively as Dioleh set her fork down on her plate, leaving behind her half-eaten breakfast to go back upstairs. Coming to a stop by the room Imani had been given, Dioleh knocked on the door. There was no answer. Frowning, Dioleh opened the door and saw that the bed, although someone had been in it, seemed mostly untouched. Dioleh pursed her lips to keep herself from smirking as she went to the next room over which belonged to Andre. When she knocked this time, there was instantly the sounds of scrambling.

"Sh, no, hide," Andre whispered. Dioleh had to press her fist against her lips hard to keep herself from laughing. "C-Come in!" Andre called, trying to keep his tone neutral. Dioleh opened the door, her eyes instantly moving to where she could see Imani's shape under the covers.

"Morning Andre," Dioleh said. "And good morning to you too, Imani." Blushing, the siren emerged, giving Dioleh a sheepish glare. Both were still fully clothed. Smirking, Dioleh said, "Blaise has breakfast if you're hungry."

"Thanks, Dioleh," Andre said awkwardly. Still smirking, Dioleh shut the door behind her and moved along past Blaise's room and her own to the last room on that hallway. Her smile fell as she faced it and raised her hand to knock. Just as she did so, the door opened and she found herself facing Draco. He froze, staring at her as though seeing a ghost. After a moment, he cleared his throat, averting his gaze from her.

"Sorry," she said quickly, stepping back and lowering her hand. "Blaise has breakfast if you want some."

"Right, er, yeah, thanks," Draco said awkwardly. Dioleh nodded and headed back towards the stairs. Draco hesitated a moment before following after her. The moment Draco stepped into the kitchen, the talk and laughter that had resonated around the room stopped. Blaise instantly turned back to the pancakes, serving up a plate and setting it to the side. Glancing between the other two boys awkwardly, Andre handed the plate to Draco with a fork and reclaimed his seat beside Imani. Dioleh went back to her plate and began to eat in silence. Once Blaise had made his own food, he turned off the griddle and sat with the others at the table. Finishing her pancakes, Dioleh pulled out her mirror and quickly said Hermione's name.

"Dioleh!" Hermione cried excitedly. Dioleh smiled.

"You just talked to me yesterday," Dioleh laughed.

"I know," Hermione said. "When are you lot coming?"

"Today," Dioleh explained. Glancing over at Draco, she added, "All of us."

"Including..." Harry said. Although Dioleh couldn't see him, she could guess he was giving Hermione a cautious look.

"Yes, him too," Blaise snapped.

"So where do we need to apparate to?" Dioleh asked.

"Forest of Dean," Hermione explained.

"We'll be there in an hour or so then," Dioleh decided. "We just need to get everything together and I need to redye my hair."

"Why not just magically change it?" Hermione asked.

"I'm not good enough at Transfiguration for that," Dioleh admitted.

"I can do it," Draco suggested. Hermione's eyes widened. Clearly she didn't know Draco was within earshot.

"All right then," Dioleh said, glancing over at him. "We'll see you soon, Hermione. I love you."

"I love you too," Hermione replied.

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