P11. Unsanctioned Magic

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Arran lay asleep in his bed, his closed eyes facing a picture frame displaying a photo of himself and Dioleh soon after they had moved to London. His eyes snapped open as a crash sounded from downstairs. After lying still a moment, he got up silently, grabbing a knife from the bedside table. Flipping it in his hand, he moved over to the stairs and silently went down, looking over the scene. Two men with ski masks were stuffing pieces in their bags.

Harshly, one whispered to the other, "Ignore the cord ones. Get the metals and gemstones."

"Get out," Arran warned, knife hidden behind his arm. The two rushed towards him, tackling him to the ground. Arran cried out suddenly, his eyes wide as his own knife was driven into his chest.


Dioleh screamed, shooting up out of bed and falling to the floor as she gasped for breath. "Dioleh!" Aki cried, jumping up and crouching beside her. Dioleh was hyperventilating. "Imani, go get help! Madam Pomfrey!" Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked around, forgetting even where she was. Pansy, Bulstrode, and Daphne were all gone for Christmas so it was just the sirens.

Outside, thunder began to clap. Aki looked up, afraid, and hissed, "Dioleh, calm down. You're creating a thunderstorm! You'll get us found out!" Dioleh couldn't register what she was saying. The storm worsened, rain beginning to pelt down like bullets on the windows around the school. Dioleh gasped, trying to calm her breathing as her world collapsed around her.

The rain turned into snow, a swirling blizzard that quickly became dangerous. Madam Pomfrey rushed inside, followed by Professor McGonagall who was in her nightgown and seemed to have been woken up by the commotion. Madam Pomfrey crouched down beside her, shooing Aki out of the way and handing Dioleh a potion. She drank it, not bothering to wonder what it was.

Instantly, her emotions and the storm calmed until she felt drowsy. "What on earth happened, Ms. Kamumba?" Professor McGonagall asked, looking at Imani.

"We don't know," Aki said, answering for her as Imani was looking like she might faint. "She woke up screaming and then started having a panic attack."

"Well, we had best move her to the hospital wing," Madam Pomfrey suggested, putting Dioleh on a magical sort of stretcher. Imani and Aki followed behind her with McGonagall as they went to the hospital wing and set her up in a bed. Imani and Aki instantly sat by her side.

"Minerva," Snape said, appearing in the doorway.

"Severus," she said, leaving Dioleh to go over to him. "What is it?"

"I sent for Ms. Marlow, but was informed she was here," he explained.

"She had a panic attack," McGonagall explained.

Lowering his voice, Snape said, "Her father was just murdered."

"What?" McGonagall gasped. "How?"

"His store was robbed and it seems that he was stabbed," Snape explained. "Could she have known?"

"Witches and wizards have been known to have stranger powers," McGonagall replied quietly, looking over at the sleeping girl.


Hours later, Dioleh awoke to learn that what she saw was real. Instantly, she broke down in tears and ran from the hospital wing and back to the common room. Without seeing if anyone was looking, she ran into the room with the passageway and dove into the water. Deep in the lake, she stopped, letting her head fall onto her arms as she completely broke down.

"Dioleh!" Andre shouted, rushing towards her through the water. Imani and Aki were trailing behind, trying to get him to stop while Julio and Ebony followed. The moment he came up to her, he grabbed onto her throat, slamming her back into a verticle rock behind her. Angrily, he shouted, "Do you care nothing for the rest of us! You created that blizzard! The Ministry KNOWS SIRENS ARE HERE NOW AND IT IS YOUR FAULT!"

"Andre!" Imani shouted warningly.

"NO!" he shouted back, "SHE PUT OUR LIVES IN DANGER!"

"ANDRE!" Julio shouted firmly. Scoffing, Andre let go, shoving her slightly back as he did so. He moved away from her, clearly trying to contain his rage. "What happened, Dioleh?" He managed to keep his voice even, but everyone could tell he was scared and angry. "We told you you can't use your powers outside of this lake." Before anyone could question her more, Dioleh broke down again.

Her voice heavy, she sobbed, "He's gone. Father's gone."

"You saw it, didn't you?" Imani asked, her voice quiet. Dioleh's sobs were answering enough.

"We have to make a plan," Ebony said. Her voice was trembling. "They will come here looking for us and...for all we know, they know how to find all of us."

"They only know that one is here," Julio said.

"But they wouldn't if it wasn't for you!" Andre shouted, looking at Dioleh.

"Enough!" Julio shouted. "We can't change what has already been done. There is no point dwelling on it when we have far more important matters to discuss!"

"Like what?!" Andre shouted. "We are going to be found and killed because of her! What else is there to talk about!"

"How we're going to stop them from finding out," Ebony said. "They will search the entire school."

"They'll find the passageways," Aki said, paler than normal. "How will we get out here without them?"

"You're getting ahead of yourself," Julio said. "Listen, no more magic of any kind, anywhere. No unnecessary transformations. Once a week. That is all. No going into the rooms unless it is late late at night. All right?" Everyone nodded.

Andre scoffed, glaring at Dioleh before heading off for the Ravenclaw passageway. Everyone else left until it was just Imani and Dioleh. "Are you going to be okay?" Imani asked. She shook her head, still crying. Imani wrapped her arms around her as let her cry into her shoulder.

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