154. Eight Heads Are Better Than Three

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Once everything was together, they were only waiting for Draco to finish changing Dioleh's hair. For reasons she couldn't quite explain, it made her nervous to feel his presence behind her as he moved his wand to hover over her hair as he mutter under his breath. Soon, however, it was a startling black. "Thank you," Dioleh said, getting back to her feet and checking her appearance in a mirror.

"It's strange to see you with dark hair," Draco admitted, leaning down to pick up his things.

Biting her lip, Dioleh said, "Well, I don't really have much of a choice in the matter. He can't know I'm alive." After an awkward pause, Dioleh added, "We should head out."

"Right," he said quickly, headed back towards the living room where Blaise, Andre, and Imani were waiting.

"All right," Dioleh said. "I'm the only one that's even been to the Forest of Dean, so take my hands and form a circle." On one side, Imani took her hand while Andre took her other hand. Blaise took Andre's hand, leaving Draco to take Dioleh and Blaise's hands. As Draco's hand slipped into hers, Dioleh forced down memories that flooded to the surface as she drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing on the forest she had gone camping in with the Grangers all those years ago. The moment she turned on her heel, they each felt the crushing weight of apparition squeezing them on every side.

The biting cold was the first thing that rushed at them once the apparition was finished. Blaise was the first to let go as he stepped back from Draco. Imani also let go but Draco held on a moment before also pulling his hand away. Dioleh's couldn't help but notice the harsh chill that spread the moment his hand was gone. Tucking her hands in the pockets of her coat, Dioleh moved forward to look for where Harry, Ron, and Hermione could be hiding.

"She probably has all sorts of charms up," Andre said. "There's no way we'll find them without help."

"I'll contact Hermione," Dioleh suggested, pulling out the mirror again. "Hermione." Once her sister had appeared, Dioleh said, "Hey. We're here. Where exactly are you lot?"

"Show me where you are," Hermione requested. Turning the mirror around, Dioleh turned in a slow circle so Hermione could see everything. Turning over her shoulder, Hermione said, "They're by the lake where you found the sword."

"I'll go meet them," Harry said.

"Harry will be there soon," Hermione said.

"Thanks, Hermione," Dioleh said with a smile. Putting away the mirror, she returned her hand back into her pocket to wait for Harry. Imani was leaning into Andre bundled tightly in her white coat while Blaise leaned back against a tree, wrapping his green coat closer around him. Draco was the only one who hadn't really moved. He seemed almost unaffected by the cold weather, although admittedly his large, black coat was very thick. Dioleh noticed all this with a glance as she attempted to stay warm in her blue peacoat.

"Guys!" Harry called, rushing toward them.

"Harry," Dioleh said excitedly, embracing him as he approached their group.

"Have a good journey?" he asked, turning back around to lead them to the camp. Dioleh walked beside him with Blaise following closely behind. Andre and Imani came next with Draco trailing near the back.

"It was fine," Dioleh replied. "How are things here?"

"Tense," Harry admitted. "Hermione still hasn't forgiven Ron for running out on us."

"Understandable," Blaise said bitterly.

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Harry remarked quietly, "I see you've been dealing with much the same."

"You can say that again," Dioleh huffed. "Blaise won't forgive Draco and I just have no idea how to interact with him."

"Fun," Harry remarked. Louder, he added, "Here we are." They stepped through the magical barrier to see a small tent set up on the top of a hill.

"That's cosy," Dioleh remarked. "How do three of you fit in there?"

"It's bigger on the inside," Harry explained, holding the tent flap open for the others. Dioleh went first and instantly spotted Hermione sitting at a table in the centre. Letting out an excited cry, Hermione jumped to her feet and rushed over to her as the others came inside. Dioleh hugged her sister tightly with a bright smile.

"Oh, I've missed you so much, Hermione," Dioleh said.

"I've missed you too," Hermione replied. Pulling away, she turned to the others. Her eyes briefly landed on Draco who was landing awkwardly in the corner before she turned to Imani. "How are you?"

"I'm all right," Imani said with a faint smile. Glancing over at Draco, she added, "I didn't have it that bad."

"So, where is it?" Harry asked. Dioleh pulled the locket from under her sweater and held it up. "Let's destroy it now." Dioleh followed Harry outside as Ron grabbed the sword. Dioleh carefully placed the locket on a rock and stepped back.

"I'll leave you two to handle it," she said, heading back toward the tent. Setting aside her coat, she remarked, "Well, three down. Three to go."

"We have no idea where the other one is," Hermione admitted. "Honestly, we haven't the slightest clue."

"Well, Dumbledore thought they were Founders Objects, right?" Imani said, crossing her arms over her chest. Andre had clearly explained everything to her the previous night. "The locket was Slytherin's. What other notable objects did the founders have?"

Coming back into the tent with the destroyed locket, Harry said, "He thought one of them was this little cup with Hufflepuff's crest."

"So that's Slytherin and Hufflepuff," Blaise said. "What about Gryffindor and Ravenclaw."

"I don't know about Gryffindor, but there's Ravenclaw's diadem," Andre suggested. "It's this crown looking thing."

"Dumbledore also thought one might be at Hogwarts," Harry added. "It's possible the diadem or the cup is there."

"So, we have a trip to Hogwarts in our future," Dioleh said with false cheerfulness. "It'll be good to see old Snape. Haven't seen him since he tried to kill me. What good times."

"Don't joke like that," Hermione said seriously.

"What? I thought it was funny," Dioleh defended. At Hermione's harsh look, she added, "Oh, come now, Hermione. If I can't laugh at my attempted murder, I'll get all depressed about it. This is way better, trust me."

"How often do you lot have to hear her joke about her own death?" Hermione asked, turning to Andre and Blaise.

"At least once a week," Blaise said casually, taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"Back to the point, another one is the snake, right?" Dioleh said.

"We think so," Harry agreed.

"So, those two are going to be a lot harder," Andre said.

"And once we do go after them, You-Know-Who is going to know what we're up to," Harry added. "Right now, we're just trying to figure out the last one."

"Which you think might be the cup," Dioleh finished. Harry nodded.

"That cup was stolen," Draco said unexpectedly, his brows furrowed. All eyes turned on him. "My- Well, I was told that it went missing after the death of an old woman who collected things like that. No one has seen or heard from it since."

"Because Tom Riddle stole it," Harry explained.

"Who's Tom Riddle?" Andre asked.

"Vol-" Harry began.

"Don't!" Ron shouted, his eyes wide. "It's tabooed. They'll be able to find us if we say it."

"Good to know," Dioleh remarked. "So, that's You-Know-Who's real name, then? Seems kind of basic." Imani snorted. "What? It is."

"You're insane," Imani said. Dioleh shrugged, an amused smile on her lips.

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