148. The Waiting

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Draco could not settle to anything on this, his last day in Malfoy Manor. He tried sitting in the living room reading a book before his father's presence a few chairs from him made him too uneasy to focus. He tried to hide away in the library until one of the house-elves appeared and the soft brushing of the duster bothered him too much to sit still. Eventually, he was reduced to pacing around his room, the heavy weight of his bag in his pocket as he moved back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was only ten in the morning. He had sixteen more hours to get through until he could execute his plan.

Finally around noon after Bellatrix had left and his father had gone for a stroll around the Manor grounds, Draco slipped down into the cellar to find Imani pacing back and forth. "Here," he said quietly, handing her a bundle of food. In a whisper, he added, "We need to talk to Ollivander about what we're going to do."

"All right," Imani said. She followed after Draco as he cautiously approached the old man, gently handing him his bundle of food.

"Mr. Ollivander," Draco whispered, glancing behind him cautiously. The old man fixed him with his bright, piercing gaze. "I'm breaking Imani out of here tonight and I want you to come with us."

"Y-You mean?" Ollivander began, his eyes whelling with tears.

"Sh," Draco said quickly, glancing fearfully back. "We're set to leave at two in the morning, tonight. I can get both of you out of here. Do you want to come?"

"But if we get caught, we will only be hurt because of what you're trying to do," Ollivander said in his thin, weak voice.

"I believe I can get you both out of here unharmed," Draco whispered. "Bellatrix is gone. My parents will be asleep. Who else is here you have to fear? The only other is-" Draco broke off. There was one constant shadow flitting around Malfoy Manor with his wheezy tone and whiny voice. Pettigrew. "I can handle the other if it comes to it. He loves his sleep as much as he loves his bread. Ollivander, I can get you home to your family. If you stay, you won't have my protection anymore." Ollivander hesitated a moment before giving a weary nod.

"Save your strength and rest, then," Imani said softly. "We leave soon. What time is it anyway, Draco?"

Glancing at his watch, he replied, "Eleven. Listen, I know where my father has hidden both your wands. I'll bring them with me tonight. Be ready." He started for the door before quickly turning back, unclasping his watch from around his wrist and handing it over to Imani. "Please don't break it," he said. Without another word, he headed for the door. Frowning, Imani turned the watch over.

To my darling,
Love, Dioleh

Closing her eyes, Imani drew in a deep breath before releasing it and closing her grip around the watch. She could tell the inscription was Dioleh's own handwriting.


Draco had just emerged up the stairs when a figure shifted in his high chair at the head of the table. Draco froze. Voldemort was staring directly at him with the same, penetrating look Draco had seen far too many times. Averting his gaze, Draco gave a bow and said, "I have news for you, my lord. From Kanumba."

"Proceed," Voldemort said in his high, cool voice.

"The other associates of the late Dioleh Granger, the ones missing from school, are with Hermione Granger in hiding," Draco lied. "She said she did not know where because they move frequently but I believe there may be a way to locate them if you allow me more time to talk with her."

"Good," Voldemort said. "Alert me as soon as you learn more."

"Of course, my lord," Draco said, still avoiding Voldemort's gaze. After a moment's hesitation, he left the room and headed up the stairs, his heart pounding.

It truly was the most excruciatingly long day Draco had ever endured. Between carefully waiting for Voldemort to leave and waiting for the time to reach two in the morning, everything seemed to move incredibly slowly. He had almost reached his limit when he was called down to eat dinner. Taking his usual seat, he found Voldemort sitting at the head of the table and was rather forcibly reminded as he gave a quick glance to his parents sitting across from him of that time, the summer before the fifth year, when Voldemort had dined with them.

He ate sparingly, only taking a few small bites per course as each one was brought out. There was no conversation. There was utter silence aside from the occasional clinking of dishes and silverware or of the wineglass Voldemort was sipping from. But for the first time since he had come home to discover Voldemort in his living room, Draco did not feel a burning wave of guilt tearing through his insides. Despite his anxiousness for that night, his conscience was completely clear.

"Draco, you've been rather quiet," Voldemort remarked. Draco raised his eyebrows slightly, biting back a remark about how no one had spoken a single word, not just him.

"Was there something you wished me to say, my lord?" he asked, reining in the sarcasm that threatened to leak from his final two words. Voldemort made no response. Draco glanced up to see his parents sending him startled and warning looks. Shaking it off, he took a final bite of his dessert and got to his feet, remarking, "Forgive me, Mother, my lord, I'm afraid I'm not feeling well. I must bid you all goodnight."

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