125. Tears Worth Crying

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Imani watched as Andre and Blaise split ways and separated but she didn't have time to think about it as Dioleh admitted through tears, "He said he never cared about me and that he just felt bad because I have a revolting personality. And I know he's wrong, but I just...if he wanted us to break up, why did he do it so harshly?"

"I don't know, Dio," Imani replied, rubbing her back comfortingly. "But it's okay. You don't need him."

"I know," Dioleh replied, drawing in a sharp breath. "It just hurts."

"I understand," Imani replied softly. "I'm here for you."

"I know," Dioleh snuffled as the door opened and Andre and Blaise appeared.

"Here," Blaise said, handing her a cold bottle of water with what he hoped was a comforting smile.

"Thanks," Dioleh said, detangling herself from Imani and wiping away her tears as Andre handed over the bar of chocolate he had bought for her. "Thank you both."

"No problem," Andre replied. "Just know that Malfoy isn't worth your tears, but of course do whatever you need to process."

"I just can't believe it," Dioleh admitted. "I never thought he'd say those things to me."

"I thought you said he wasn't harsh about it," Andre said with a frown.

"Do we even want to know?" Blaise asked cautiously.

"No," Imani said instantly with a dark expression. "Unless you want me to have to talk you out of murder."

"Seriously? That bad?" Andre said in surprise. "Dioleh, what did he say?"

With a humourless chuckle, Dioleh said sarcastically, "Well, between saying I have a revolting personality and that he never cared about me, there is a lot of unpack there. But hey, at least he said I'm good-looking. So, at least there's that."

"Merlin," Blaise said under his breath.

"You're right, Mani, I do want to kill him," Andre said, readying to get up. "Where is he?"

"Andre," Imani said warningly. "Get control of yourself. If anyone has a right to scream at him it's Dioleh, not you. Let's stick to passive-aggressiveness for now."

"Fine," Andre sighed irritably, sitting back.

"Nah, I'm giving him hell," Blaise said. "But not out in the open. Don't worry about that."

"Are you going to be okay, Blaise?" Andre asked. "I mean, are you going to survive the fantastic foursome of Voldemort supporters?"

"Woah, just because he's trash now doesn't mean he's chill with Voldemort," Dioleh said quickly.

"He's hanging out with Crabbe, Goyle, and Theodore Nott, Dioleh, and we already know he's had interactions with Voldemort in the past," Andre countered.

"I'll be fine," Blaise said. "Might need to start sleeping with one eye open though."

"I'd highly recommend," Andre replied. "And if need be, I can hide you under my bed."

"Or there's the hideout," Imani added.

"I'll keep that in mind," Blaise said doubtfully. "But I highly doubt they'd try anything at school with Dumbledore here."

"You never know," Andre replied with a shrug. "Better safe than dead."

"We need to watch out for Pansy too," Imani said, glancing over at Dioleh. "And the other two girls."

"Oh, please," Dioleh scoffed. "Pansy is just a racist blood supremacist. She doesn't have the guts to join Voldemort."

"Maybe not, but I can think of two people she can't keep her hands off of and we know have an association with Voldemort," Imani replied. "Who's to say she wouldn't try something to gain their favour."

"Maybe," Dioleh said quietly. After a pause, she said, "Maybe it's for the best Draco and I are over." The other three looked up in surprise. "I mean, maybe it's better to deal with it now than later." When they continued to give her strange and doubting looks, she said, "Look, I can't focus on this. I have other things to worry about. I don't have time to cry over a breakup."

"Dioleh, that doesn't seem like a healthy mindset," Imani said doubtfully.

"Yeah, no," Andre agreed. "Dioleh, you have to process it."

"I did," Dioleh replied. "Now I'm...I'm over it." Blaise raised an eyebrow, giving her a doubting look.

"Yeah, okay," he replied. "Whatever you say."

The rest of the train ride passed quickly as Dioleh curled up in a corner with a book and the others played Exploding Snap. When the train did finally rumble to a stop, Andre got up first to open the compartment door. Instantly, they saw Theodore Nott passing by with Crabbe and Goyle. He cast them all a smug look before passing on.

"Well that wasn't creepy at all," Imani muttered.

"It'll be fine," Andre said quietly. "Come on let's go."


Harry stared curiously out over the compartment rack he was hiding on bundled in his invisibility cloak as Draco shooed off Pansy. Suddenly pointing his wand at Harry, Draco cried, "Petrificus totalus!" With a loud crash, Harry fell to the ground, frozen in place. "I thought so," Malfoy remarked irritably. "I heard Goyle's trunk hit you. You didn't hear anything I care about, Potter, but while I've got you here..." Raising his foot in the air, Malfoy slammed down on Harry's nose so harshly Harry heard it snap. "That's from my father." Throwing the cloak over him, Draco left the compartment and shut the door behind him.


Dioleh sat through the feast without interest, wishing they could have sat with Andre at his table. Instead, they were forced to sit at their house table surrounded by their fellow Slytherins. Luckily, Malfoy and his friends had taken their seats farther down the table so aside from the occasional loud laugh, they could completely ignore their existence.

Finally, however, they were dismissed to bed and Dioleh broke away to go to Dumbledore's office as she had been instructed.

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