50. What're Friends For?

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Half an hour later, Dioleh headed inside with a pounding headache. Her makeup had smeared, giving her raccoon eyes. Her dress was torn and dirty, swirling around her now bare feet, her black heels in her hands. She managed to get through the Great Hall without attracting attention as most people had already gone to bed. Outside the common room, Dioleh found Andre and Imani talking, both with wide smiles. Those instantly dropped when they saw her.

"Dioleh, what happened?" Imani asked gently.

"Are you okay?" Andre asked concernedly. She shook her head, resolving in tears again. Imani instantly wrapped her arms around her. "Can I do anything?" Andre asked.

Softly, Imani requested, "Go down to the kitchens and get a cup of tea." He nodded and rushed off as Dioleh continued to cry. Imani rubbed her back soothingly, just letting her cry until Andre got back. The three sat down around the corner from the Slytherin Common Room and Andre handed Dioleh the cup. She took a small sip. Her arm still around Dioleh, Imani asked, "What happened, Dio?"

"Draco," she said tearfully. Imani and Andre shared a look as if they had seen this coming. "W-We were just dancing and then he - he freaked out and ran off. And I went after him and I-" She broke off as she began to sob harder.

"Did he say why?" Imani asked, shooting a glance at Andre warning him not to say anything yet.

"I don't know what was wrong," Dioleh said, sniffling and attempting to wipe away her tears, but they kept being replaced with new ones. "He was shouting and saying something about me being perfect. He wouldn't talk to me. And then he called Hermione-" Andre sighed. Neither of them needed her to finish that sentence. Both knew exactly what he had called her.

"Did you tell him off?" Imani asked. Dioleh nodded.

"I shouted at him and told him I never wanted to talk to him again," she sobbed.

"Is it true?" Andre asked pointedly.

Beginning to cry harder, Dioleh admitted, "I don't know." The three fell into silence after that other than Dioleh's sobs and the occasional sipping of tea. It was perhaps three or four in the morning before anyone talked. The tears had dried on Dioleh's cheeks and she felt a bit better, but her chest still ached. "Am I too sensitive?" Dioleh asked hoarsely. Andre, who had been half-asleep, looked up in surprise at someone talking.

"No," he said as if that was the dumbest question he had ever heard.

"Of course not," Imani said. "What could make you think such a thing?"

"You don't think that was a bit of an overreaction?" Dioleh said.

"No," Imani said. "You're sensitive, yes, but it's one of the best parts about you. The sensitive person who can allow their hearts to remain open, even when they're hurt, is the strongest of all. I mean, think about all you've gone through and you still have the heart to care for others. You're extraordinary, Dioleh." She smiled, hugging Imani tightly. Andre interrupted the moment with a huge yawn.

"S-Sor-Sorry," he yawned again, rubbing his eyes. "I'm really tired. You got her, Mani?" Imani nodded.

Getting up, Dioleh said, "Thank you, Andre." He nodded, giving her a hug.

"I'll see you both in the morning," he said. "Maybe we could all go for a swim, like old times?"

Smiling, Imani replied, "I'd love that. Dioleh?" She nodded, cracking a smile. After exchanging goodnights, they each went to bed.


Imani was sitting in the common room, deep in thought. Dioleh had gone up at least half an hour ago, but Imani was waiting for someone. The entrance opened and in came just the blondie she had been looking for. Getting up, she went over to him and snapped, "What the hell did you do, Malfoy?"

"What?" he replied, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"I have only seen Dioleh cry twice other than today and those were both far more valuable reasons than you," she said angrily. "What did you say to her?" He didn't answer, but she could see now that his eyes were red. She was so shocked she didn't stop him when he pushed past her to go to his dorm without answering.


The following morning, Dioleh was far more sombre than usual but consented to go out with Andre and Imani to their hideout. In the saltwater, she floated at the top, her eyes closed as she tried to relax. "Hey, Imani. Dioleh," Andre said. Dioleh looked over to see what he wanted. "When I was a kid, we used to play this game to get to know the currents. I'm going to throw this coin in the water with all of our eyes closed. The first person to find it wins."

"I mean, if you want to lose, I'll play," Imani said with a cocky smirk.

"Not if I win first," Dioleh said with some of her old confidence back. The three moved to be next to each other and they closed their eyes.

Andre flung the coin into the water and they waited a few minutes before he shouted, "Go!" With an excited cry, Imani dove in to look for it. Even Dioleh couldn't help but smile as she went in search as well.

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