C'mere you!

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Just a short one for you guys this morning expect more this evening cause it's FRIDAYYY!!!!

I had bad cramps last night, like terrible cramps, like someone was stabbing me. I couldn't get to sleep so I wished Scarlett was there to help me sooooo yeah imma base it off that.

During Black Widow

Tossing and turning I couldn't for the life of me get to sleep. Usually this is because I don't want to go to sleep and I'm easily distracted by a book or my phone or I just simply can't get to sleep. But then I don't have a problem with it, I don't mind not getting any sleep. But now, now all I want to do is sleep. I've had a shit day at school and filming was fairly ok, thankfully I didn't have that many stunts because I was able to tell Cate that I was on my period. Ahhhh the joys of having a female director. Obviously she was absolutely lovely and understanding about it and said that she would try and lay me off the stunts for the next week or so.

All of that was great, the day was alright except of course a shit day of learning school stuff. I just wanted sleep. But these stupid cramps stopped that. I tried everything to dial down the pain, lying on my front, tightening the band in my shorts around my waist, putting a teddy or a pillow underneath my stomach as I lay on my front and a hot water bottle. The hot water bottle did help a bit, but only a little. It was still clear pain.

Huffing and puffing. Tossing and turning. Trying to think of what else I could do to help my cramps. Nothing came to mind. The frustration built up inside of me so much that I felt all ready and upset, felt useless, didn't help by the fact that I was also shattered.

"Y/n?" A voice made me jump coming into my room. "Hey shush shush it's me it's Scarlett! Don't be scared." She placed her hands on my shoulders and rubbed them down to my arms. After she pulled me into a hug whilst stroking my hair and whispering sweet nothings into my ear. "You ok? What was it another panic attack? Or are you missing someone?"

I shook my head into her chest as she held me tighter to calm me down and stop my quiet sobs and sniffles.

"What is it then bubs?"

"I've got really bad cramps and it's stopping me from falling asleep."

"Mmm?" She hummed for me to continue and to let me know that she was listening. She knew there was more. This woman knows me like the back of her hand!

"And all I want to do is just sleep, like sleep for hours, days preferably. It wasn't because of filming, filming was ok, great even better after Cate reassured me that I did t have to do any stunts for the next week because of my period. But school was really shit. Cause like I'm starting my A levels now. And it seems pathetic to know that I'm only what like 5 days in and I already wanna cry!"

"I know exams are hard I know but look what you did last year! You did your GCSE's during a pandemic and that's with online schools, the whole debacle about whether exams were on and off, and then you did at least!.... What 6weeks of constant assessments. And you have no idea how proud I was of you and still am so for that first problem of yours, your not gonna have to worry about your A-levels sweetheart. And from what I can see so far you already have a little helper, Mrs Weisz, telling me she was losing her mind over trying to get her head around your History homework" we both chuckled. "And trust me darling your are smarter than any of us here, hell if you end up helping Rachel with your History homework you must be bloody Einstein!" She exaggerated.

"And now about those cramps" she poked your stomach gently. "I'll be back in a minute!" She gave you forehead a quick kiss before going into your little lounge room in your trailer. Getting something out of the kitchen cupboards by what you could hear. She came back a few minutes later. "Right I got you a hot water bottle, your favourite teddy which you left on your couch, some water and Ibuprofen. Take the Ibuprofen first and see if that helps." She smiled sweetly.

As I took my Ibuprofen Scarlett popped to the bathroom and got herself a drink, after I took my medicine I lay back down in my bed trying to find the right place to put the hot water bottle, this was still while Scarlett was making a cup of tea, which I proudly got her hooked on! I turned the lamp of thinking that Scarlett had gone as there weren't any noises coming from the kitchen. I turned over on my side of the bed turning my back to my bedroom door. I then heard the door open, I didn't turn around to need to see who it was because I obviously knew who it was.

Scarlet came round to the other side of the bed coming into my view, well slightly because it was dark so her silhouette came into my view. I could just about see her lift the duvet up and then felt the bed dip and she snuggle in, slightly cocooning in the duvet (if none of you cocoon..... like WHAT?! Cocooning is the best thing to do after a tough day FACT!)

She wrapped an arm loosely round my waist pulling me closer. "Turn around sweets" she mumbled tiredly. So I did as I was told and turned around so now my back was facing her. I was about to make a joke about it something like 'oh so I'm that ugly you can't even stand to look at me in the dark?' Or 'well that's another problem addd dot the list!' But she then tightened her arm slightly round my waist. She was reading her book for a while which was probably where she went when I couldn't hear her in the kitchen, whilst mindlessly tracing patterns on my stomach which was surprisingly helping a lot, with my cramps and relaxing me so much that I eventually felt sleepy.

A while after Scarlett placed her book down on the bedside table next to her then snuggled closer to me. I could feel her nose nuzzling into my hair.

"Thank you" i mumbled into my pillow as I could feel myself falling asleep and I wanted to thank her before.

"You don't have to thank me bubs" she tucked my hair behind my ear. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, then turned the lamp off. Both us nearly instantly falling asleep all helped by being in each other's embrace.

Scarlett Johansson x teen!reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now