Timo Werner

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NAME: Elizabeth

A child from a past relationship.

Elizabeth's POV:

My ex-husband left me when I told him I was pregnant. We were only married for a year. He divorced me because of our son, Thomas. 2 years after I had Thomas, I met Timo. He was kind and helped me out with my shopping since Thomas was having his terrible twos moments. 

We started off as friends until we began dating. Me and Timo just got married a month ago. We celebrated Thomas' 7th birthday. "Hey, baby Thomas wants to go for a walk" said Timo. "OK, let me put on a coat" I said. "OK, me and Tom are ready" said Timo. I walk over to him and kiss him. "Have I told you I love you" I said. "You have, you always do" said Timo. I smile and share a kiss. 

I grab my coat and we go to the park. As we're walking, I hear my name being called. I turn around and roll my eyes. "Xander" I said. "I... can I meet my son?" asked Xander. "Daddy, can I get an ice cream?" asked Tom. "Sure, your mom and an old friend has to talk. We will be over there, wave if you need me" said Timo. "OK, one scoop, Tom" I said. "Two" said Tom. "Fine, just two Timo" I said. He nods and kisses me. 

I sigh and rub my face. "Xander, he doesn't know who you are and you have never, not once called to ask to meet him. He thinks his dad is Timo, he adopted him. So, you should leave. My husband and son wants to finish this walk" I said. "Lizzie.... I am sorry" said Xander. "No. Are you married?" I ask. "Yes. 3 years, we have a 1 year old daughter, Jade" said Xander. "That's great. You have a daughter, let Tom have Timo. He doesn't need confusion." I said. "But when his older, won't he hate you for keeping me from him?" asked Xander. "I don't know but he will know that you left us. I better go" I said. 

He never bothered us again.


I go downstairs and see mum dancing with dad. "Mom.... dad" I said. Mum looks at me. We sit down. "You wanted to talk to me" I said. My little sister, Angie walks inside. "What's up" said Angie, sitting beside me. She's 15. "Tom, Timo isn't your biological dad. Your biological dad divorced me when he learnt I was pregnant with you" said mum. "So, he never wanted to meet me" I said. "No. Only once when you were 7, I didn't let him because you are happy" said mum. "I want to meet him" I said. Timo nods. "Of course, son" said dad. I look at dad and smile. "Your my dad, not him. I just want to ask him myself" I said.

The next day I end up meeting him. "Your my sperm donor" I said. "Yeah, I am" said Xander. "I have one question. Why did you leave me and my mum?" I ask. "I-I was never ready. I left because I couldn't be a dad." said Xander. "Bullshit. You just never wanted me but only my mum. I will never, ever meet you again" I said. I turn around and walk home. 

All I need is my family, Timo Werner chose me. His my dad.

Hope you enjoyed!

Lorna xx

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