Abused ex-boyfriend

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You where at the house with little mix while the boys played a concert at time square. And you had so much at your plate.

"Sweetheart. I'm home." Said Harry as he entered the boys after the concert. You ran up to him and gave him a big hug. You knew he was under the stretch of impression. You also knew that Simon changed to group lead guitarist because he wanted Niall to not worry about singing and playing at the same time.

"How was your day?" You ask him. He sighed hard and stared at you deep into your eyes with the compassion in you're heart. "Well Simon hired a new guy and I don't know about him. He's coming over right now" said Harry. Harry looked depressed and upset at it and you could tell. You never wanted to cause any harm about anything.

After a couple of minutes, the boy came in with Simon. Suddenly, you wondering about the time with him and the voice you heard when he comes in. You see you're ex-boyfriend, y/n/f. You started to get so scared and hide behind Niall and Harry. "You know him y/n?" Said Niall as he held your hand as you where behind him.

"I have never seen him before-" you started off to say but y/n/f, your ex-boyfriend said "of course he does I'm her ex." They both looked at you interesting. Harry looked at y/n in the eyes and at that moment he felt so upset.

"Get out!" He told y/n/f trying to keep his cool. Liam and Louis came behind Harry to hold him back just in case he started to fight. And with Niall holding my hand, protecting from the side of the family. "Harry, shut up!" Simon said towards Harry but with his big ego he told Simon to go to hell. Y/n/f started it and punched Harry in his face. "Harry no!" You yelled back holding on Niall as you watched the fight. And punched and pushed y/n/f out. "You will be sorry" said Simon and left out the door.

You ran over to Harry, gave him a hug and a big, fat kiss on the lips. "Are you ok? You're bleeding!" You said worried about your boyfriend worried. "I'm ok. Don't worry he will never come towards you again" said Harry rescuing me the truth. You started to cry a little bit and ran into his arms, sobbing on his t-shirt.

Hey guys! My images are getting more better. Yeah! Can't see so that's great!

Do you want another abused ex-boyfriend part 2 in some weird reason? Damn Harry makes me so hot!🥵

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