Harry is a boxer:

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“You wanna go with me to the gym to train?” Your boyfriend asks while the two of you lay in bed that morning. You were sprawled across his chest, his arms tight around you. The two of you liked to cuddle in bed before actually getting up to start the day.

“I’ll go, but just to watch you get all sweaty and sexy.” You answer, lifting your head from his chest to grin at him. He laughs and kisses your forehead.

“Only as long as you promise to get sweaty and sexy with me once we get back home.” He gives you a wink, making you laugh.

“I think I could handle that.” You kiss his lips gently before sliding out of bed. You both get dressed and he grabs his gym bag and keys. Seeing Harry do his boxer training was probably the most sexy thing you have ever seen him do. Well, Harry with no clothes on is pretty damn sexy, but when he starts boxing, he goes into this focused mind set and it just turned you on for some reason.

Once you get to the gym, he does that bro hug thing with his trainer, who then hugs you as well before you all head to the treadmill. Harry needed to warm up a bit before he got in the ring. You run on the treadmill beside him for a bit, this being the only exercise you really cared to do. You just came to the gym to watch him, mostly.

After he was warmed up, the three of you head to the ring. You grab Harry’s gloves and tape from the bag. You help him tape up his fists and then slide his gloves on for him, doing up the Velcro for him like you always did.

“You’re the sexiest helper in the world.” He tells you as you finish up. You laugh, shoving his chest playfully.

“Shut up and go beat something.” You joke but allow him to kiss your lips gently anyway.

“I’ll go up there and be sexy, just for you, sweetheart.” He taps his glove against your cheek gently, making you laugh and push him away again. He grins and jumps up into the ring while you sit on a bench to the side, tossing his gym bag underneath after you take his water bottle out. You take a drink before focusing onto your boyfriend as he takes a couple practice punches with his trainer.

As more time passed, you watched as his moves quickened, he moved around the ring with such grace and vigor as he took swing after swing, landing each one. He had such a focused look on his sweaty face, his long hair in a bun with a headband holding the straggly pieces back from his face.

His feet were graceful as he swept them from side to side, his punches landing each and every time. You’d seen him do this a thousand times but you don’t think you would ever get over just how good he looked up there in the ring. It was where he was meant to be. The muscles that came with him being a boxer didn’t hurt either. Those, along with his tattoos, made him pretty much the sexiest and best looking human being you had ever laid eyes on. And he was all yours.

“How did I look?” He asks you a few minutes later, panting and out of breath as he jumps from the ring. You reach up and slide off one of his gloves for him, handing him his water bottle. He takes a long drink before sitting beside you.

“Pretty damn good.” You tell him, reaching into his gym bag for a towel. You hand it to him and watch him dry the sweat from his face and neck.

“You say that every time, love.” He gives a small laugh, dropping the towel into his lap. You smile, reaching up to brush a stray hair that had fallen from the bun behind his ear.

“I just speak the truth, babe.” You tell him, grinning at him. He rolls his eyes playfully.

“Wanna get in the ring with me?” He asks, elbowing you playfully. You had let him teach you a few swings before but it was just messing around and for fun.

“No, I think I just wanna watch you today.” You answer. He grins and holds his ungloved hand out to you. You shake your head, smiling, and slip his glove back on, doing it back up. “Do good, baby.” He leans in for a soft kiss before heading back into the ring.

You could honestly sit here and watch your man move around the ring, throwing punches and being the sexy boxer that he was, all day. Though it did suck when whoever he was going against got a punch or two in on him but that was pretty rare and for that you were thankful.

“I never get tired of watching you box.” You say to him once he has finished completely and the two of you are walking towards the car. His gym bag was over one shoulder, his other hand wrapped around yours, swinging your interlocked hands between the two of you.

“I never get tired of seeing you sit there and cheer me on, it drives me to work harder.” He confesses, smiling at you. “You’re the best motivation, truly, love.”

“Glad I could be of assistance, good sir.” You grin at him while he laughs. You reach the car and he pulls you around to face him, dropping his gym bag to wrap both of his arms around you, pressing you against the side of the car.

“Now what is it you promised me before we left for the gym?” He asks, looking perplexed for a second before he broke into a smirk. “Oh yeah, I think I remember.” He says quietly, his lips moving towards yours.

“I will easily keep that promise.” You answer, wrapping your arms around his neck as his lips find yours.

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