advice and comfort:

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It was Harry’s first ever movie. It was hard, it was demanding, and sometimes he questioned if he was even cut out to do this. Many times throughout the day, in the moments between takes, he would wonder if he could even finish this, if he could handle it.

But then you would come along and keep him going through the day, and again the next. He hated to say it, but he depended on you more than he would like to admit. He also was completely smitten with you, wanting to be close to you all the time, popping into your trailer just for a chat, pretending to have a question about one thing or another just to make conversation.

You didn’t mind.

“See, what’s most important is to separate yourself from this as soon as you leave the set. You can’t take the stress and drama of being on set home with you.” You tell him one morning as the two of you lounge around your trailer, not having yet needing to get to hair and makeup. “You’ll drive yourself crazy with it that way,” You watch Harry’s face as he contemplates this, giving a slight nod as he reaches up with one large hand, pulling at his bottom lip.

“Guess it’s jus’ a big change for me,” He starts, looking over at you to meet your eye. “Used to singin’, not acting,” He gives a small laugh and you smile.

“I promise you, Harry, you are doing so good. You’re going to blow the mind of everyone who thought you couldn’t do it because you were a singer not an actor but you’ve proven you’re an actor, too.” He felt a warmth spread through his entire body at your praise. He was always welcome to compliments, who wasn’t, but to hear you think so highly of him truly gave him a confidence and a sense of accomplishment that he couldn’t truly describe.

Throughout the entire rest of filming, you always tried to be there for him. Gave him tips when he got stuck on a particular scene, got upset about how hard it was, and the two of you went out on evenings you didn’t work. Both of you needed to relax after filming and had found a comfort in one another.

“You know,” Harry starts on the last day of filming. The last scene was done, goodbyes with the cast and crew had been said, and now Harry was helping you gather your things from your trailer. “I couldn’ have gotten through this withou’ you.” You smile, looking over at him before taking a seat on the couch, patting the spot beside you.

“Can I tell you a secret?” You ask him as he sits down. He looks over at you, giving a frown.

“You can tell me anythin,” He answers, earning a smile from you.

“I couldn’t have gotten through this either without you.” And it was true. Harry had been such a comfort during this movie. Sure, you had filmed a movie before, done your fair share of acting, but this movie was a whole different experience. It was physically and emotionally taxing, more so than you ever imagined it would be. Harry made it all a little easier to deal with.

“Me? You’re a pro though, ‘m new a’ this, how much could I really help?” Neither of you noticed, but in the moment, you two were slowly leaning closer and closer. Your arm pressed against his and your heart began to race as soon as you realized how close he now was.

“You made it all easier, you were my comfort when things got hard.” Harry’s face splits into a wide grin as he glances down at your lips, wanting nothing more than to lean forward and close the distance between the two of you.

“Now tha’ the movie is done ya won’ need me anymore, I guess?”

“I’ll always need you, Harry,” Your voice was so quiet but Harry heard those words loud and clear and they finally gave him that final push he needed. The feel of your lips against his was just as amazing as he had imagined it would be. One arm wraps around you, the other’s hand rests on your cheek as his lips press harder to yours. Your fingers tangle with the baby hairs at his neck.

“Wanted to do that for awhile,” Harry says when he pulls away a few seconds later. You give a laugh, feeling your face flushing from the heat of the moment.

“What a cliche,” You say, laughing at his frown. “Two co-stars getting together. They’ll say it’s just for publicity.” You had been there, been through where you couldn’t even look at a male costar without it meaning you were sleeping with him. Once you actually were dating another actor and both were cast in the same movie but when it turned into everyone saying it was a ‘publicity stunt’ the two of you broke it off and he dropped out of the movie. “The public can really ruin a relationship.” You mutter sadly.

“Trust me, been there, done tha’,” Harry adds, giving you a smile. “We’ve both dealt with the entire world thinking they deserve to be in our personal lives so we’ll figure this ou’, we’ll make it work, yeah?” You smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

“This whole time it’s been me giving you encouraging words,” You say. “The tables have turned.” Harry just laughs and after a small shake of his head, his lips were back on yours more intensely than ever.

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