When your sick;

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You catch a cold on tour with the guys. You start to throw up and stay in Harry's bed as he takes care of you. The boys are fine with that as long as he doesn't catch a cold along with you. You took a tissue from the pack. You threw the tissue in the trash but it hit to the wall and stuck it their."Ew y/n what did you eat to make you cough so much up!" said Liam. You looked back at him and then the tissue and told him "I don't know." Liam rolled his eyes and sat on the big couch in the living room with Niall and Zayn.

You blow your noise again and start to sneeze. "Damn y/n take somewhere else. You have enough mucus to have babies!" Said Liam. Liam loves to joke around with you especially when you sick but you just rolled your eyes playful as so. "Ha! You are so funny" you said sarcastically. You where the best at being sarcastically and your mom even has a shirt to prove the truth. You really hoped that the sickness would go away so Harry would have to miss sleep just to take care of you.

You love Harry with all your heart and it just wasn't fair that he is missing and running late all the time. You ran to the bathroom and threw up again. "Ugh. I lost my appetite" Zayn said. You rolled your eyes as you kept throwing up with Harry holding your hair back so none of the throw up gets on your hair.

You walked back into the living room and told him that you couldn't stop it because you where so sick. But in their eyes they didn't believe you. All you wanted to do was sleep and be by Harry's side. After a couple of minutes, you put you're head down on the lap of Harry's. You eventually fall asleep on the lap with you on Harry, and wrapped around his body.

"You love her so much, don't you?" Said Liam as he saw you where asleep and asked Harry. Even though you where still asleep you couldn't help but over hear Harry answering the question. "I would die for her" said Harry as he kissed your forehead. You nodded your head as you fell deep in sleep and deeper in love with Harry.

Hey guys how are you today? Sorry I didn't post for a couple of days. I was too busy and it was the thought that was given.

Harry loves you so much because he loves everybody! I'm getting better at this Wattpad stuff! And I love pandas!

🥝 Kiwi🥝 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora