He yells at his daughter:

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Credits: https://4everinsane.tumblr.com/post/144788543413/harry-styles-daughter-imagine

Having children and a husband that was gone quite often with his band put a strain on your relationship. You loved Harry, you loved him with your whole heart, but sometimes him and his job just got to be too much. The two of you had gotten in such a bad argument last night about him having to leave to go play a few shows in Australia in two weeks that he slept in the guest bedroom. You ignored him the entire morning as the two of you got your daughter ready and made her breakfast.

“Do you think you can watch her while I do laundry?” You ask that afternoon, peaking your head in his recording studio. He was messing around with a guitar and looks up at you.

“You really have to ask me to watch my own child?” He stands, putting the guitar on a stand and walks towards you. You give him a sarcastic smile, crossing your arms over your chest.

“Well I know how important your music is, sometimes it comes first so I just wasn’t sure if you could tear yourself away from it.” Harry glares at you, his eyebrows furrowed together before he huffs and strides past you, pushing his long curly hair from his face.

He sits on the couch, flipping through the channels on the TV while his daughter plays with her toys on the floor. She was humming peacefully to herself as she plays with her dolls. Harry was still fuming from his fight with you and knew his temper was wearing thin and that he was ready to snap at any second but was trying to control himself around his daughter.

“Daddy!” She suddenly jumps up and walks over to her father, leaning against his legs as she looks up at him. “Come play with me!” She grabs his large ringed hand and tugs, her little arms pulling hard.

“Not now, love.” Harry answers, pulling his hand free of her grasp. He looks back of the TV and misses the disappointed frown that falls on his daughters cute face.

“Come on daddy! I want to have a tea party!” She reaches for him again, tugging harder. “Daddy!”

“I said no, Y/D/N.” He glares down at her, seeing her pout. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. “Later, alright, sweetheart? Daddy isn’t in the mood.”

“Daddy, please! I want to have a tea party!” She tugs at his pants leg, raising her voice. “Come have a tea party with me!” She grabs his arm again but right as she does he yanks it from her grasp and stands.

“I SAID NO, Y/D/N!” He yells making her jump and pout. “Now go play with your dolls yourself and leave me the hell alone” His daughter simply nods, her eyes welling up with tears as she turns and rushes back to her toys. Harry sighs, resting his face in his hands. “Fuck.” He groans, pushing his hair from his face. He takes a few deep breathes right as you walk in.

“Is everything alright?” You ask as your daughter rushes over to you, burying her face in your stomach. Harry just shakes his head and leaves the room, going back to his studio where he closes and locks the door. “Why was daddy yelling?” You ask your crying daughter.

“I just wanted to play tea party with him.” She cries. You sigh and kneel down, pulling you into her arms.

“Daddy just isn’t feeling well right now, okay? He’s just upset, he didn’t mean to yell at you.” You assure her.

Over the next few days though, you notice her dislike for her father continued. She was still mad and upset with him even though you and him had worked everything out. Every time he came into the room, she would leave and not speak to him. She wouldn’t let him kiss the top of her head at breakfast like he has every single morning he was home. A week before he had to leave for Australia, he asked her if she wanted to go to the park.

“Not with you!” She yelled at him in response and stormed from the room, her brown curls that matched her fathers bouncing on her head. Harry looked up at you, a complete look of bewilderment on that gorgeous face of his.

“Did I do something to make her mad at me?” He asks, clearly not remembering how upset she had gotten when he’d yelled at her the week previous. “She hasn’t spoken to me in a week.” He falls onto the couch and rests his face in his hands. You sit beside him, resting your hand on his tattooed arm.

“You don’t remember yelling at her to leave you alone last week when she wanted to have a tea party with you?” He looks over at you and frowns, searching through his memory until he came across that one. He groans.

“I didn’t mean to upset her so much, I was just stressed and upset about our fight.” You give him a soft smile and nod, rubbing his arm.

“I know that but she’s a kid, she took it a little differently.” You lean forward, kissing his cheek gently. “You need to go talk with her.” He nods and stands. You stand as well and follow him down the hall to your daughters bedroom where she was playing with her toys on the floor. She looks up when the two of you enter and gives a little glare at her father. She stands up, tossing down her toys and comes over to you, gripping at your legs. “Daddy needs to speak to you, okay? I want you to listen to him.” Harry holds his hand out to your daughter who looks up at him and takes it. He leads her over to her desk and sits down in the small chair, resting her in his lap.

“I know you’re upset with me for yelling at you last week and I just want to say that I’m sorry, sweetheart.” She says nothing, just looks back at him with those beautiful green eyes she got from him. “Daddy was just having a bad day, I didn’t mean to upset you and I’m sorry.”

“What do you say to daddy?” You ask her quietly from the door, smiling. She glances over at you before looking back at her father. She rests her little hand on his cheek, making him give a small smile.

“I forgive you, daddy.” She tells him, his smile turns into a large grin.

“Thank you, sweetheart.” He presses a soft kiss to her forehead. He looks over at you and smiles, holding his hand out to you. You walk over to them and lift your daughter from his lap before you take her seat in his arms, letting her rest on your lap instead. “She gets any bigger and I won’t be able to do this much longer.” He says, kissing your cheek. You laugh, bouncing playfully on his leg. He groans but smiles none the less.

“I think daddy is calling us fat, baby girl.” You joke, smiling when your daughter gives a little gasp.

“Daddy!” She exclaims. Harry and you laugh at her shocked face.

“I would never!” He defends. “You are both my perfect girls.” He kisses first her cheek and then kisses your lips gently.

“Ew!” She exclaims, grimacing and pressing her hand over her lips. “That’s nasty daddy, don’t kiss mommy like that!” You laugh.

“Can mommy kiss daddy like that?” You ask her but she grimaces again and shakes her head. “I’m going to anyway!” You kiss Harry’s lips making her give a small shriek. “Daddy is pretty yucky though, isn’t he?” She giggles and nods.

“Hey! I said you guys are my perfect girls and you call me yucky, I’m not really feeling the love here.” You smile and shake your head, reaching a hand up to run through his long hair that you loved so much.

“You’re our perfect daddy, don’t worry.” You assure him. He smiles up at you before smiling at your daughter.

“Is that true?” He asks her making her giggle. She nods and reaches up to kiss his cheek. “Good. We’re one perfect family, then.”

“Yeah, we are.” You say, hugging your daughter close and kissing the top of her head. “We really are.” You and Harry share a smile, so thankful for everything you had in life.

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