You listen to Cherry for the first time:

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You were lying beside Harry on the studio floor. The carpet gave you a rug burn, but you could make sacrifice for your boy.

You were listening to his album with him. Both of you had one of the earphones connected to the phone playing songs, which would be out in 2 weeks. Lights up had just ended, and you were convinced it would be up in your top 3 with golden when soft guitar started playing.

Don’t you call him baby…

You knew none of the songs were about you, but somehow, you knew this one might hurt you. Songs were a view inside Harry, how he feels, who he is, those lyrics are him being vulnerable and just like his songs, he’s wonderful, a dreamy, a playful melody.

I just miss your accent and your friends…

It was very early in your relationship, and although you were convinced you were about to fall in love with him, you still had your insecurities. All of your friends warned you about him, and sometimes you would get inside your head and overthink his every action.

He never met your friends but he missed hers. She had beautiful french accent you don’t, she’s a model, beautiful, tall and has a amazing dressing sense which you call see Harry took inspiration from meanwhile you go out anywhere in joggers, most you do it wear jeans.

You were so different than her and you couldn’t help but compare. Why would he date someone so…less than her unless you were just a moving part. A rebound from his last relationship, which was very much serious, what if your friends were right and he’s still in love with her?

You didn’t even realize the song had ended when you heard a woman’s laugh, laugh, and then her beautiful accent. You were starting to get irritated cause why does she have to be so perfect?

It was a voicemail obviously left by her for him. The ceiling turned blurry as your eyes watered, you were feeling insecure, and didn’t know if you should tell Harry or not. What if he thinks you’re a whiny or a cry baby?

“Baby?” Suddenly, the ceiling was replaced by your boyfriend’s beautiful face and his mop of curly hair.

“What’s wrong?” He asked concerned, his eyes searching all over your face for any hint.

“Nothing it’s just sad song” you fake laughed and whiped off your tears but Harry didn’t buy it. He gave you a bored look and raised his eyebrows wanting the truth in answer.

You sighed and looked away from him to the space between you and him, “It’s stupid” You mumbled.

He lifted your chin with his index finger and gave you a stern look, “Nothing is stupid when it comes to you and you wouldn’t be crying if it was. Now chop chop tell me” He asked rolling over with you so now you very laying on his chest.

“Do-” You bit down on your lips and looked away again and started to pick on your cuticle, “Do you still have feelings for her?” You asked and then panicked, “Just- I mean, you started dating me so soon, and your relationship seemed so serious with her-”

“Oh sweetheart,” Harry cooed and chuckled. He pulled you into him more, and you digged your nose into the crook of his neck, inhaling his smell and feeling comforted by it.

“Yes, my relationship with her was serious, but that doesn’t mean you’re anything less or just a rebound.” He assured you, removing the hair that was fanned against the side of your face.

“I know it’s too early to say this, but I knew the moment I saw you in that park sitting alone reading your book that you were the one.” He kissed your head and snuggled more. You smiled against his neck and gave him a kiss, the mark from your lip gloss sitting there.

You had your doubts and thoughts, your anxiety always making worse out of things, but you also had Harry to shoo them away and protect you, give you a good cuddle whenever cold thoughts surrounded you.

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