You're baby

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Your beautiful baby, Y/N/F Styles was born on February 8th 2022. She's around six months old and she's all yours. Y/N/F cries everytime when you and Harry aren't in the room. Her favorite food is kiwi and she always ask like that. She's similar to you because she has your big eyes everytime you wake up and see something you like. She has a sweet tooth similar to you and wants eat the sweets up and she acts like you ever time you don't get enough sleep or you want more that you can't have. Also if you're noticing nobody is paying attention to you.

But she's more like Harry too. She has Harry's blue-green eyes, his smile that would light up a room and make everything better. You hope that when she grows up she'll get more of your traits because now all you can see is Harry's. Harry loves his baby girl. He would change her diapers, shower, feed and do fun baby stuff with her. He really adores that baby and gives you a lot of credit and respect for having a beautiful human being. You love her so much that you just want her all the time. "Dada" she said as her father walked in. You where exusted. You haven't sleep for a couple nights. He picks his baby girl up and gives her a hug.

Harry puts Darcy back in his crib and sings her a sing goodnight while getting her ready for bed. You where happy that Harry came back because you can't deal with her forever. "You ok?" Said Harry as he came into the bedroom. You nodded your head and closed your eyes. "Tired" you said weak. "Well now that I'm here you won't have to lift a finger" said Harry. You smiled as you cuddle with him for hours.

Hey guys should I write an chapter about y/n die? Probably will for now. Don't have a picture of the baby yet but I'll have one if I don't another chapter for this one.

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