True Father

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(Part two)

Following your son calling Harry ‘daddy’ for the first time, it became a pretty usual thing. Harry had officially moved into the title of daddy and you could tell that he couldn’t be happier about it. You weren’t sure how your son’s actual father would take it, but you wouldn’t worry about it too much. Right now you were just happy to have your family with Harry and your son.

A week after the twitcam, there was a pounding knock on your door one early afternoon. You were curled up on the couch, watching TV while Harry and your son played video games in the games room. It was a nice relaxing morning. Or it had been, at least.

“Coming!” You answer the pounding knock as you get up from your comfortable spot. The pounding continues, making you frown.

“Y/N!” You hear from the other side and recognize it as your ex, your son’s father. This probably wouldn’t be good.

“Love, who is it?” You hear Harry call as you get to the door. You don’t respond though as you pull open the door, coming face to face with your very angry ex.

“It’s not your day with Y/S/N, what are you doing here?” You question but he shoves you aside roughly. You stumble a little, falling against the door frame as he rushes past you. “Excuse you!”

“Where the fuck is he?!” He yells as he barges into the living room. You slam the door and follow him as Harry walks out from the hall, frowning.

“What are you doing here?” Harry hated your ex and your ex hated Harry. The two had never been able to get along in the 4 years you’d been with Harry. Their first time meeting had been so tense and awkward, and no time since then has been much different. Thankfully they rarely had to see each other as you always dropped your son off at his parents house where he would then pick him up, just so you didn’t have to see each other.

“So you think because you’re some big shot famous douche that you can come in here and take my place?” Your ex yells at Harry who raises his eyebrows.

“The fuck are you talking about?” You ask, going over to stand beside Harry, crossing your arms across your chest as you glare at your ex.

“You are not his father, you don’t get to have that title!” It all clicked into place then, he had heard about your son calling Harry daddy, obviously. You knew he wouldn’t like it but to come cause such a scene? You never expected that.

“I haven’t replaced you, he knows I’m not his real father but if that’s what he wants to call me, then that’s what he will call me!” Harry yells back, clearly getting angry.

“We’ve always left it up to him what to call Harry.” You explain. “I’m sorry that upsets you, but that’s what he wants to call him and you can’t do much about it. I have custody of him, he lives with Harry and I. It’s not Harry’s fault that he’s more of a father to him than you are!” You were pissed. It wasn’t right that all of a sudden your ex wanted to step up and be a father and pretend that he was suddenly all important.

“I’m taking him with me.” Before either of you could say anything, your son comes walking down the hall. He stands beside Harry, looking at his father with wide eyes. “Come on, Y/S/N, you’re coming home with me.” Your ex reaches out towards your son but he cowers behind Harry, grabbing onto Harry’s shirt.

“You can’t just come and take him away!” You yell, stepping between your ex and Harry and your son. Your ex turns angry eyes on you, glaring.

“He’s my son, that man has no right to be called dad by my son! I am his father!” Your ex gets close to you, glaring down at you. You stand your ground, having been yelled at enough times by this man in the past that you could handle yourself. To keep your son safe, you would face down this man as much as you needed to.

“Harry is not taking your place, everyone here knows you’re his father, no one is trying to take that away from you!” You assure him but he still glared at you. Behind you, Harry picks up your still terrified son, resting him against his hip. The small boy buries his face in Harry’s neck, his arms wrapped around his shoulders.

“You need to leave.” Harry says, glaring at your ex. “You’re upsetting him. You need to leave my house, now.”

“Give me my son and I’ll leave.” He holds his hands out towards Harry and your son but you step between them once again, moving back so you pressed against Harry’s chest. Harry rests a hand on your side, his other arm supporting your son who was still hiding his face.

“I don’t want to go with you.” Your son suddenly speaks, lifting his head to look at his father. “I like it here with mommy and daddy.”

“Well I’m your father, you are my son. That man is not your dad!”

“No one is saying you aren’t his father, but if he wants to call Harry daddy then he will. His relationship with you will not change.” You were trying to stay calm and collected right now but he was making it so hard.

“Now leave my home, you aren’t welcome here. I shall call the police if you do not leave now.” Harry warned him, trying to stay calm as well. Your ex looks at the three of you, his eyes sliding across each of you one at a time.

“Fine, be a happy little fucking family with this piece of shit. I don’t need this.” Your ex glares at you one last time before he turns and leaves the house, slamming the front door after him. Harry sighs and sets your son down on the ground now that he was safe.

“You alright, love?” Harry asks, turning you to face him.

“I’m fine.” You turn to your son, smiling softly down at him. “You okay?”

“Does dad not like daddy?” Your son asks, looking up at Harry who gives him a smile.

“He just is afraid that daddy is better at being your dad.” You say, making your son frown.

“But he is.” You have to hold back the laugh you wanted to let out so instead you kiss your sons head, smiling.

“I know.” You look up at Harry who smiles as well. “Now go play, daddy and I will be in there in a minute, yeah?” Your son grins and nods before he turns and rushes down the hall, disappearing into the game room.

“Well that was a crazy event.” Harry says as soon as your son was gone. You sigh and nod, falling into his waiting arms. He kisses the side of your head, hugging you tightly.

“I’m just so thankful he has you to see what a real man should be like.” You mumble into Harry’s neck. Harry laughs, running his hands up and down your back.

“If there’s going to be more problems with him calling me that, we can tell him to stop.” You pull back to look into Harry’s green eyes, giving him a small smile. You bring a hand up, resting it on his slightly stubbly cheek and shake your head.

“He wants to call you that. I don’t care what my ex has to say about that. He is barely a father, so he gets no say in it. You heard Y/S/N, you’re a better father than him anyway. Y/S/N sees that. That upsets me a bit, that he is starting to realize what a shit father his real father is but that’s why I’m so glad that he has you.”

“And I’m so glad to have him, and you.” Harry tells you, smiling at you, his arms tight around you. “These 4 years have been the best of my entire life, and not because of the band, but because I’ve gotten to spend them with you.”

“I can’t wait to spend so many more years with you.” You whisper. And you really couldn’t. You wanted Harry, forever.

“Well you’re going to spend the rest of your years with me, love. I promise you that.” You really couldn’t stop smiling. “You and Y/S/N are my entire life and I love you both so much.”

“We love you too.” You answer. He smiles back at you before he leans forward, pressing his lips to yours.

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