secret tattoo:

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Thank you so much for 1.25k readers! It means so much to me! Especially since it's only been three months with this book. Ok enjoy the book and stay around.


You sure about this, mate?" Louis asks his best friend as they walk into the tattoo shop. Harry laughs and nods.

"Yes, I am sure." He responds, heading towards the counter.

"Y/N is gonna be mad." Louis mutters but Harry ignores him and starts to chat with the tattoo artist, telling him what he would like and where.

"I won't tell her, maybe she won't even notice it." Harry comments as he rolls up the leg of his tight jeans and unzips his boot, sliding it off and his sock.

"You're getting her name tattooed on you... forever, it will always be there." Harry laughs and nods, resting back in his chair.

"That's kind of the point of tattoos, Lou." He laughs again. "It's not like she looks at my ankles anyway. And besides, if she does happen to look down and see a tattoo, she'll probably just think it's part of my 'never gonna' tattoo. It's fine." Harry assures him as the tattoo artist begins to clean up the area where your name will forever be.

"Yeah, except it's not part of that tattoo, it's her name." Louis knew if he didn't try to talk Harry out of this and you found out you didn't try to stop it, your anger would be directed at him as well. Louis knew you would find out. Even if you don't see it yourself, the fans would see it and post about it everywhere and she would see that because they would surely send it to her. "She's gonna find out."

"Will you just be quiet? I'll keep it a secret from everyone. Only you, me, and him will know." He points down at the tattoo artist who was about to begin the tattoo.

"It's perfect." Harry comments after he was finished 10 minutes later. It was a small tattoo so it didn't take long.

"It is pretty nice." Louis adds, looking down at it. Harry grins, happy to have done something like this for you even though you wouldn't know about it. He just loved you so much and wanted to express his love for you forever on him.

"Hey, how was hanging out with Lou?" You ask when he gets home. You were making dinner, standing at the stove, stirring the contents of the pot in front of you.

"Good." Harry comes over to wrap an arm around your hips and press a kiss to your cheek. You smile, leaning into his kiss. "I missed you though." You laugh, shaking your head a little.

"You were only gone a few hours." You remind him as he walks away from you, heading to the fridge to get something to drink.

"I miss you after even a second of being apart, love." He comments as he bends, looking in the lower shelves of the fridge. You laugh, shaking your head again.

You don't notice the tattoo for another 2 weeks. You didn't really look at Harry's ankles so why would you notice it immediately?

You were sitting beside him on the couch. You had to go to a work thing and had leaned over to tie up your shoes. He was in a pair of basketball shorts and that was it, having only been out of bed for 5 minutes so his feet were bare as well. As you bent over, his ankle was right there beside you. You glance over, seeing his 'never gonna' tattoo but notice above it another word that you hadn't seen before. You frown as you see what it says.

"The fuck is that?!" You exclaim, sitting up to glare at him.

"The fuck is what, love?" He questions, his green eyes full of confusion.

"The fuck is that on your ankle?" You yell. He frowns for a second longer before realization hits him. He bites his lips before giving a shy smile.

"A tattoo." He smiles a bit wider, hoping that you wouldn't get too mad or at least won't stay long forever. But you were absolutely furious.

"You got a tattoo of my name?!" You exclaim. "When?"

"Two weeks ago when I went out with Louis." He explains, looking a bit shameful now. He looks down, pushing his hair nervously from his face.

"You obviously knew I'd be mad about it or you wouldn't have hid it for two weeks."

"Yes, I knew that you would get mad." He mutters but follows it with a sigh. "I'm sorry, alright, love? I just wanted to get something to show my love for you, I wanted a piece of you with me forever and always. It's small and hidden, it's not a big deal."

"It is to me, Harry!" You stand up, running your hands through your hair. "I don't like this, I've told you I don't like tattoos of a significant others name. It's like taboo on a relationship, dooms it for failure." Harry stands, sighing as well.

"Nothing is going to ruin us, love, I promise you. You're stuck with me forever."

"Yeah, and you're stuck with my name on you forever." You mutter, getting a small smile in return from him. "Don't smile when I'm mad at you." You gently shove at him, making him laugh.

"I want to have your name on me forever. I love you, and I want my body to show that for the rest of my life." He reaches out, pulling you into him by the waist. He smiles down at you. "Tattoos are how I express myself, you know that. I just wanted to express my love for you."

"So write me a song or something, that's also how you express yourself." You smack his chest and try to pull away from him but his grip on you tightens, not letting you get away.

"I have written songs for you, love. I wanted to do this, for me, for us. I'm sorry that you're mad about it but I love it, just as I love you." You sigh, shaking your head.

"I can't believe your such an idiot." You mutter making him laugh. You look up into those green eyes that you loved so much, knowing you couldn't stay mad at him.

"But I'm your idiot, right?" He asks with a grin.

"Yes, yes you are." You answer, finally letting a smile grace your lips.

"Good." He says before leaning down to press his lips to yours. You can't help but smile against his lips as you wrap your arms around his neck.

You may not agree with the fact that he got your name tattooed on himself but there wasn't anything you could do about it now anyway so you had to deal with it. It was kind of sweet, anyway... crazy, yes, but sweet.

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