Cafee Àpoliet;

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You meet Kylie at the hottest new restaurant, coffee Àpoliet. You have been wanting to go but Harry wanted you to be by yourself. You wear sunglasses with Kylie because the paparazzi always wanted to take pictures of you with your friends. You ordered a fettuccini and she got in a coke. You're so happy that you both came be together again like you where last time.

"So how's you life going?" Kylie asked you as she took a sip of her coke from the glass. She looked around and was about to but her sunglasses on when she didn't see anybody talking pictures.

"It's good. Harry had been on tour more and their getting more better all the time. And don't Harry this but I'm pregnant with his baby for a week" you said as you took another sip trying to stay up in the morning.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me that? That's a really big secret to hide especially from your own boyfriend" said Kylie as she told your hand like it was a big and juicy secret.

"I'll tell him tonight over a candle lit dinner" you told her and explained what you set up with after Harry finished his tour here in Paris and tell him everything. Hopefully he would feel the same way and you even told her the initial set up but that wouldn't work because you would have to rush and you wanted to take you time peace and carefully.

"Damn y/n! I will give you props for the dinner but make sure you keep Harry in check. He has a major audited and sometimes he could be chill and trust me I've met him before" Kylie said and you agreed with her because Harry is all of that aquarius. He was weird and corky but overall he was a rockstar that wanted to be new and get out of the box. You knew Kylie knew about this because they have dated before.

"Anyway when can you do my hair?" Kylie asked his she pushed it back. You looked on your phone and told her you could do it on Friday because that was the only day you would be by yourself and without Harry anyway. You both talked more about life, kids, and your boyfriends even though those topics are too much to handle but so rewarding.

You both started to order some food with Kylie talking more about what you hate and just people in general especially because they reunited a while ago on another show. It was good to talk to your girlfriend about everything especially when you where in the road all the time with one direction so that Harry could keep watch on you.

 It was good to talk to your girlfriend about everything especially when you where in the road all the time with one direction so that Harry could keep watch on you

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You then get a notification on your phone from Niall but why would he call me? Their supported to be signing autographs at the mall

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You then get a notification on your phone from Niall but why would he call me? Their supported to be signing autographs at the mall. You heard another one and answered the text as you both at and drink you orders.

Y/N; not right now Nailer!

Niall: I know. I hear you tell us but this is important and it regardless to Harry health

Y/N; ok what happened? Did he lose his phone again!?

Niall; no he's sick and passed out we really need you back here to help us wake him up. Sorry.

Y/N; not your fault and I'm on my way. P.S make sure I don't kill Harry after I wake him up.

Nail; ok?

Y/N; omw

"I'm sorry I have to leave. Harry's sick and passed out and I have to help the boys wake up" you said explained it to her. She understand and you both finished your breakfast and took your drinks to go.

"See you Friday" said Kylie as she went the opposite way. You smiled and both hugged together while heading to your cars. You both headed into the car and you started to break down in tears badly sobbing as you started the car and speeded back to the plaza in time.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. Sorry if it was so long! But should I write another one with Kylie at a party with all of their friends? Let me know.

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