Makes you feel beautiful:

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You were used to being considered the fat girl in your group of friends but just because you were used to it doesn't mean it didn't hurt. You knew you were plus sized, you accepted that, but you just wish you were confident with that and felt beautiful. You felt ugly and you hated that you felt that way. You tried dieting, working out, all that health stuff but you were just meant to be plus sized, it would seem. You'd come to terms with that eventually.

When you went to meet the guys of your favorite band, you never expected one of them to take a liking to you, let alone it being the one you liked the most out of them all, Harry Styles. He spent the entire meet and greet talking with you and the two of you even exchanged numbers after he spent a few minutes persuading you. He really seemed to have taken a liking to you and you were so happy.

The two of you talked almost non-stop after that meet and greet. He easily became one of your best friends. You even go to stay with him for weeks at a time, where ever he may be at that time. The two of you were inseparable and you loved every second of it. Though when he first started asking you out on dates, you felt yourself pulling away from him a bit.

You weren't pretty or skinny enough to be the girlfriend of the amazing Harry Styles. You already got hate and shamed online just by being best friends with him, if you were to actually date him... you knew you weren't pretty enough. You were ugly, Harry was just being nice.

"Come on, love, I really want to take you on a date." He pleads again for the hundredth time over the last week. The two of you were currently on your way to his band mate Louis house where everyone was going to hang out, eat some food, play some video games, the usual kind of hang out you guys had.

"Harry, no." You tell him making him sigh, shaking his head as he focused on the road. "I'm too ugly to be the girlfriend of Harry Styles."

"That's fucking shit, you know that?" He says as he pulls up in Louis driveway, turning off the car. He turns in his seat to look at you, narrowing his green eyes a bit. "Don't hold me to some higher standard like that. I'm me, I'm not some god or something." You sigh, shaking your head.

"Harry, that's not how I meant that. You're just a rockstar in the public eye and I'm just... me..." You gesture down at your body. "You deserve to be with someone who will look good on your arm at award shows and events." You give him a small smile before you head out of the car before he could say anything more. You enter the house before he even has a chance to get out of the car.

As the night progresses, Harry spends a lot of time on his phone, leaned against the wall and seeming to keep to himself.

"What's up with Haz?" Niall comes over to ask you, both of you watching Harry as he typed away on his phone. You shrug, taking a sip of your soda. Harry glances up, catching your eye. He gives you a smile before turning back to his phone.

You decide to take a seat on the couch and pull out your own phone from your pocket. You scroll through instagram and facebook before heading over to Twitter and that's where you see what Harry has been doing all night. Tweeting about you.

@Harry_Styles: I have this best friend and I think I'm in love with her.

@Harry_Styles: What do I love about her? I love her smile and how happy it can make me the second I see it.

@Harry_Styles: I love how she can light up a room just with her presence because everyone just loves to spend time with her.

@Harry_Styles: I've never had anyone in my life who cared for others as much as she does. She puts others first all the time and I admire that so much.

@Harry_Styles: It makes me sad though that she doesn't see the beauty in herself that I see. I look at her and want nothing more than to kiss her.

@Harry_Styles: I've never known anyone as beautiful and wonderful as her and all i want is for her to be mine already.

@Harry_Styles: I'm watching her across the room right now and just can't stop thinking about how wonderful she is. She deserves all the happiness in the world.

@Harry_Styles: And if she'll just say yes to me, I would do everything I could to give it to her. Anything she wanted, it's hers.

@Harry_Styles: So, @YourTwitterName will you please say yes to that date already, love? You're who I want beside me.. always. All the love, H.

You look up from your phone to see Harry watching you. You could tell he was trying to see if you'd seen the tweets yet. He pushes his brown curls away from his face nervously as you stand up. You can't keep the smile from your face as you head towards him. His tweets, said so publicly and honestly had made up your mind for you and you knew exactly what you wanted to do.

"Have you checked Twi-" You cut Harry off by grabbing his cheeks and pulling his face down to yours. You press your lips to his cute pink lips that you'e pictured kissing so many times in the past. He rests his hands on your hips, kissing you back. "I'll take that as a yes, shall I?" He pulls back to say. You smile and nod.

"I don't know how you can be so wonderful and perfect, but thank you." You tell him. "I just.. I was afraid I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't pretty enough but ... you are starting to help me see that maybe I am."

"You're perfect, love." He comments. "There isn't a single thing I would change about you. I want to take you just as you are on a date."

"Then you can do that." You answer, grinning. He grins back, his dimple making an appearance.

"So you're finally saying yes to letting me take you on a date?" He asks, just to make sure he was understanding correctly.

"Yes," You say. "You can take me on a date." He grins again before kissing you once more. You weren't completely happy with your body just yet but Harry really was helping you see you were great just as you are. If someone like Harry could love you, why couldn't you love yourself?

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