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You turned the light off to go to bed when you saw a screen light coming on and towards you're boyfriend face. You turn around and saw Harry playing mission impossible, a tuff game that Harry was trying to figure out earlier. You saw Harry typing words in and deleted them multiple times.

So you decide to ask a weird but a random question to get him to stop focusing.

"Would you love me with no head?"

Harry put his phone down and looked back towards you in confused like he didn't know what he hear.


"Would you love me. Without head?" You repeated again

He slowly nodded.

He never answered the question and just put his phone back up to his head and kept playing the game. You rolled your eyes as you started to get annoyed with each other. You were annoyed that he never paid attention to anything other than that stupid game. So you wanted to do something about it, but what could you do?

You have the perfect idea and sat on Harry's lap straddling his lap trying to block his phone.

"Y/N. Stop!" Harry said as he was getting annoyed. You eventually got to the point we're you took the phone and put it on the far night stand were the tv was already.

"No, you need a break Harry. Your so obsessed with the game that you never have time for me! When was the last time we make out or had sex?" You told him. He stopped and paused for a couple of second as he tried to answer the question.












"Today is Saturday Harry. Last time we did that was last Saturday before you started to play. You can't even remember what day it was or when the last time it was so now your spending time on me" you said auguring with him. Harry groaned as he sat up some more on the bed.

"Do I have to?" Harry asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yes unless you want me to walk out the door and never come back" you said as you pointed to the door and started to give him an old tomato.

Harry looked back at you and his phone and kept doing that over again. You rolled your eyes as you waited for him to pick which one. And after a couple of minutes you told him "fine. I'll leave." You got up from Harry and tossed him the phone back as you packed up your clothes.

You felt an arm wrapped around your waist as you kept packing. You tried as Harry would push the bag away from you.

"Move Harry. I'm leaving" you said as you tried to hold onto your cries.

"Don't please! I love you y/n and I shouldn't have hesitation. I can play that game whenever I want but I can't find another one of you. Just please don't leave me! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. And I know you hate me but-" you cut Harry off from his words with a kiss after what he said you wanted to stay

"I-I don't understand I thought you hated me" said Harry as he tried to process what just happened and so did you.

"Just because I'm mad at you doesn't mean I stopped loving you" you told Harry. He smiled which made you smile back towards her. Harry and you kissed then hugged each other.

Harry spends time with you instead of being on his phone that much. To this day he's not on his phone that much.

Hey guys this is a long chapter and my foots swollen which is a big no for me but I'm resting it out right now. Writers Block so hopefully I got back to my schedule

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