Harry's son wake up:

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Credits: https://harrysfolklore.tumblr.com/post/690816480636485632/bubba-comes-up-to-harry-crying-and-harry-is-like

harry is the only person awake in his house, he tucked his little boy in bed hours ago as well as his wife, who he had promised to finish up answering work emails as quickly as possible so they could have some alone time.

however, he ended up spending more time in his home office than he intended to, completely absorbed by emails, song lyrics to review and text messages with his manager.

what got him out of his work bubble was the sound of little footsteps making his way to his home office, he knew exactly who they belonged to but the tiny mop of curls and the pair of green eyes that look exactly like his confirmed his thoughts

“what’s wrong bubba? did something wake you up? was it a nightmare?” he said as the little boy approached him, opening his arms so he could embrace him.

the little boy just snuggled to his chest, making himself comfortable in his dad’s lap. smiling at the sight, harry rubbed his back and kissed his little head until he drifted off to sleep again

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