You smell good;

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You came back home to get ready for Harry. It was his day off from work since Zayn was sick. You wanted to put your hair up but then later died to keep it natural. You put some lingerie that you bought yesterday for the trip to Hawaii. You even bought some new perfume for all to fall in love with. It was from one direction's between us perfume that smells so good. Harry would want to be all up on you by the end of the day.

All you had to do now is just wait for Harry to come home. You when to the living room and started to watch TV but all you could think about was Harry, your ass was getting thinnest now then it was before. About a couple minutes later, Harry comes back home and drove into the driveway. You quickly run upstairs and into the master bedroom giving the final touch of everything. You sprayed some all over you and all around you and you started to walk in it.

You heard the door open and you ran into the bed as you put the perfume down. "Y/N! I'm home" said Harry coming from downstairs. You heard his voice and instantly started to prepare more putting your shirt down so he can see some of the goods. "I'm upstairs. Come find me" you said in a seduvice way. You heard him run up the stares in excitement. You went up the covers as he opened the door to see in some sexy lingerie.

"Damn babe! You just got wet for me" said Harry as he licked his lips repeatedly

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"Damn babe! You just got wet for me" said Harry as he licked his lips repeatedly. You nodded and asked him to punish you in a seductive way. Harry bit his lip as he dropped his pants and his work stuff walking over to the bed. You kinda leaved him in a sedective way with your finger waving back at her. Harry started to wreak you're body by bitting, licking and kissing everywhere over your body but Harry did have some motivation since you inetriated this in the first place. Harry starts to breathe heavy and you know that it's because the smell of the perfume

"See something you like?" You said to Harry as Harry put his neck in the crock of your neck. Smelling and bitting your neck of the crock. "You smell so good babe. Is that the perfume from me and the guys line?" Harry asked you. You nodded and started to kiss your lips and made his dick hard. You finally both have sex but all he wanted to do was smell you and give you more compliments. After sex, you and Harry laid in the bed with him smelling you more like he never wants to get away from you and in some ways that wasn't bad at all.

Hey guys how are you? I just love one direction's perfume I have all of them and I want another one made by them. Do you think they should make another one? And would Harry even smell good in it?

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