Little freak:

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A color usually associated with happiness, sunshine, and youth is also a color of jealousy, envy, and deceit.

Sometimes, you felt like yellow.

A sunshine, happy next-door girl who everyone loved, had loads of friends but also a girl who feels gloomy, insecure, and cowardly inside.

He wasn't yellow. No, he was green. Color of nature, safe and happiness, but also jealousy, evil, and envy.

Harry Styles was neither bad nor good.

He was a charming, good-looking boy. He knew that everyone knew that. He was a great friend to have, would let you copy off his homework, let you smoke his weed when you're sad, and would even skip classes with you.

But you got to hate yourself if you ever fall in love with him.
You stood in front of your bathroom mirror, which was a rare occasion, but it was a rare occasion considering your mom had invited her boyfriend over to meet you and your brother and somehow your looking good was important.

Asher didn't care. If he could move in next door into Styles Family, he would. Mentally, you think he already had.

You did though.

Your mom was happy in a very long time, and you were happy for her. It was hard when your dad just up and left one night, and it was especially hard on her, but she kept herself together for you and your brother. Now she was living for herself, and you were happy for her.

You put your half of your hair up in a pigtails and then made a bubble braid out of it, your bangs you recently cut by yourself after a mental breakdown turned out kind of nice considering your eye were blurry from tears. You put on a oversize tshirt which you think would be oversized on your brother also from how wide it was and some baggs jeans and called it a day.

You deliberately went downstairs, knowing your mum will be mad for wearing something like this and not something nice.

"Sweet Jesus Autumn. Have I not bought you good clothes?" Your mum asked standing in kitchen with her hands on her hips.

"Asher is literally wearing tanktop right now," you pointed at your brother. Your mother's face twisted in borderline anger and digust and to be honest you were a bit too cause that tanktop looked like cumrag.

"Asher Bree, you have five minutes to go upstairs and get dressed." Your mum warned your brother who just chuckled. She held up her finger, counting one, two, and no one ever knew what happened after three cause he ran upstairs to his room.

You smiled and started helping your mum by setting up the table. Soft tunes from the radio were filling the room, and you and your mom hummed to the music. The main door opened, and your brother's girlfriend walked in, her blonde hair up in bun, dressed in a pretty dress.

Sometimes, you wondered if you could ever look like her. She would always tell you that it was nonsense and that you were way prettier than her, but you knew it was a lie.

"Hey, kid." She smiled at you and gave your mum a hug, passing her the Tupperware she had in her hand, "I will go see him" She said smiling.

"Yes, please dress him in something other than a tanktop and sweatpants." You mum groaned, making both you and Imani laugh.

You were back in the flow with your mum when Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac started playing. Your mum walked towards you, taking your hand in hers, and twirled you around in the kitchen.

For a second the world looked warm, soft, comforting like sunshine after a long cold winter first touches the thin layer of ice on grass then the door opened, you heard the distinct laugh and the world got a bit more warmer.

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