boner at dinner:

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”Harry!” Anne exclaims when her son opens his front door to his mother and step-dad. Anne pulls Harry into a tight hug, which he returns with a grin on his face. He then pulls Robin into a hug as well before leading them into the dining room where you were setting the table.

“Hi!” You greet, hugging Anne tightly.

“So great to see you, dear!” After you all hug, you sit down and enjoy the dinner that you and Harry prepared for Anne and Robin. They had been saying that they weren’t spending enough time with the two of you and had only seen your house once, before it had even been furnished so you decided to have them over for dinner tonight.

“How is everything going around here?” Robin asks midway through dinner. Harry reaches over, resting his hand on your thigh. You smile over at him before smiling at Robin.

“Things are great, Harry has been quite the handyman.” You joke, reaching over to pinch his cheek playfully. “He fixed a leak in the sink two days ago, all by himself!” As you spoke, his hand creeps even more up your thigh, his fingers sliding between your legs. He smirks over at you out of the corner of his eye.

As dinner progressed, his fingers continued to tease you through your jeans. You play it cool, trying to keep your face calm as you chat with his mother and step-father. It seemed Anne and Robin didn’t suspect a thing, which you were thankful for.

“You alright, love?” Harry asks you innocently when his fingers brush across you even more, teasing you. You had taken a sharp inhale of breath and choked on the water you had just taken a drink of. You glare at him when his mother looks away.

When dinner was over, you and Anne cleaned up while the guys went into the living room where you all agreed to watch a movie together. That’s where, you decided, you were going to get your revenge on Harry for teasing you during dinner.

“That was a good dinner, don’t ya think?” Harry asks you as you sit beside him, throwing his arm over your shoulder. You smile innocently at him.

“I think so but I feel like this movie is gonna be pretty good too.” Anne turns out the lights and goes to sit on the other side of the room on the other couch beside Robin while the movie starts. Harry kisses the side of your head when you lean into him. You reach over and grab the blanket that had been across the back of the couch and toss it over you both

“Cold, love?” He asks, frowning down at you. You just smirk and shake your head.

“Not really, but I feel like we should cover up anyway.” He narrows his eyes at you, raising one eyebrow but doesn’t say anything and goes back to the movie. A few minutes in, you move your hand down his chest and straight onto his lap. You palm him through his jeans, smirking with satisfaction when you hear his sharp intake of breath.

“Babe.” He whispers, glancing over at his mother. You ignore him and continue moving your hands on him. His hand on your shoulder tenses but you feel him begin to grow under your hand. You glance up at him, smirking. He gives a quiet gasp again as you unbutton his jeans and slide your hand in, taking his length in your hand. You hear his breathing begin to speed up as your fingers trail along him.

You turn your head, pressing a soft kiss to the side of his neck quickly before turning back to the movie. He leans his head on the back of the couch, his eyes closing as your hand begins to move up and down on him. He opens his eyes and glances at Anne and Robin but both were engrossed in the movie, munching on the bowl of popcorn you had gotten them before the movie started. Neither of them had any idea what was happening across the room under the blanket.

“Fuck.” Harry whispers and you were glad it was at a loud part of the movie, meaning his mother couldn’t accidentally hear as a small moan falls from his lips while your hand increases speed, working up and down on him quickly. He looks down at you but you keep your eyes focused on the movie, a small smirk on your lips. He reaches over, takes your jaw in one hand and turns you to face him, slamming his lips to yours in a heated kiss. You smile against his lips and pull away, smirking up at him. This was some nice revenge. He was crumbling right there under your hand and you were loving every second of it.

He kept another moan quiet, biting at his lip, and with his breathing speeding up even more, you knew he was close so your pace quickened ever more. He lets out a sigh, like a silent prayer, as he finds his release in your hand and your smirk grows even more. You kiss his cheek gently, pulling your hand from his jeans and wipe your hand clean on the blanket, making a mental note to remember to wash it later.

You look up at him. He narrowed his eyes a bit but smirked none the less. He gives a quiet laugh and shakes his head. You fix his jeans for him, buttoning them back up, before curling comfortably into his side. He kisses the top of your head, wrapping both arms around you.

Once the movie was finished, you walked Anne and Robin towards the door.

“That was a good movie, don’t ya think?” Anne asks as you walk. You and Harry exchanged grins.

“Probably the best I’ve ever seen.” He says, making you give a small laugh. Anne frowns a little but then smiles none the less. She and Robin hug you both before they make their leave.

“Good evening, wouldn’t you say?” You ask him innocently after he closes the door. He turns back to you, smirking.

“I know that was payback for dinner, but I am going to make you pay for that.” He tells you, walking over to you.

“I think I look forward to it.” You grin up at him, tugging the collar of his shirt and pulling him against you. He smirks down at you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “That was pretty fun, I gotta say.” He rolls his eyes.

“Yeah yeah, stop talking.” He tells you, leaning his face closer to yours. “I can think of something much better your mouth could be doing.” You laugh but it is quickly silenced by his mouth on yours, his kiss feverish and fierce as he tugs you close against him.

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