dating a model:

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"Excited for tonight?" Your boyfriend asks you as you the two of you are in the car that was heading towards the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show that you were a part of tonight. This was your first VS fashion show that you were walking in. It was a big deal.

"I'm terrified, actually." There was so much pressure on VS Angels. They had so many eyes on them. You'd walked in shows before but never one that was televised and watched around the world. Everyone knew the angels and now you were one of them.

"You're going to do great and look beautiful, as always." Harry assures you, leaning over to press a kiss to your forehead as he squeezes your hand. "I'll be right there in the front cheering for you." You smile and lean over to kiss the corner of his mouth gently, careful of your lipstick.

Once you'd arrived at the show, you get out of the car and are blinded by all of the camera's that were instantly on you. You heard people calling out for not only you, but Harry as well. Since Harry was in such a well known band, it was just as much of a big deal that he was here as it was for you. More so, maybe even.

The two of you come to a stop on the carpet and smile for pictures. Harry wraps an arm around your waist, resting a hand on your hip as you both smile, your eyes shifting around from camera to camera before moving on. You stop for an interview about halfway down the carpet and as always, once the questions about the show tonight were done it turned to you and Harry.

"Do you find it hard when you're both traveling and can't see each other?" You both were asked this constantly in both interviews you did together and individual interviews. You were so public about your relationship that it was only natural to get questions concerning the two of you.

"We make it work. Sure, it's hard to not see this gorgeous face everyday but we still talk and fly out to visit as much as we can whenever we have a free day." Harry explains, smiling down at you. You smile back before adding your own bit.

"It just makes being reunited that much better. We make the most of the time we have together." You explain.

"So, when are we going to get an engagement from you two then?" You and Harry exchange looks. You raise your eyebrows, allowing him to take this one. Harry laughs and brings his hand up to push his long curls from his face.

"It will happen, we don't feel the need to rush it." He answers.

"Maybe rush a little." You joke, laughing a little as you nudge Harry with your elbow. He knew you were joking. The two of you had already had the marriage discussion. He knew you weren't in any rush. You were just happy with how things are right now. As long as you had him and were together, you were just fine with how things were.

"They will probably never stop asking when we're getting engaged." He asks later after the two of you have finished the red carpet. You had to head back to start getting ready soon while he had to find his seat.

"And then as soon as we're engaged it will be 'when is the wedding?'" You tell him, shrugging. He wraps both of his arms tight around your hips, pulling you against him. You smile up at him, resting your hands on his chest as you look up into his green eyes, both of you with grins on your faces.

"And then after we're married it'll be 'when are you having children?'" He adds. You both laugh and you nod in agreement. No matter what either of you did in your career, it always would come back to your relationship. People loved you together, and reporters always wanted to get the scoop first so they always made sure to bring it up.

"I should probably get back there." He nods and leans down to kiss your lips gently.

"I can't wait to see how beautiful you look up there. You're going to do amazing, love." He reassures you, knowing just how nervous you were about all of this. "You will blow everyone away, I already know it." You grin, and shake your head. You wish that you could believe that but this was a huge deal, it was nerve-wracking.

"Thank you. You always have such faith in me." You reach up, pressing a harder kiss to his lips than the one before, your fingers tangling in his long curls.

"I always will, love." He pulls away to tell you. "I love you. Now go do your thing." He kisses you one last time and then releases you. You reach up, wiping your lipstick from his lips with a grin.

"I love you. I'll see you after." You take a step away from him, blow him a kiss, and then head for the backstage area. You were nervous, yes, but with Harry's support you knew you could do anything. You would rock this show, for him.

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