Son Runs On Stage:

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Taking your 3 year old on tour was always hard, so unfortunately you couldn’t do it often but when you did and saw how not only your sons face, but also your husbands face, lit up at the sight of the other, made all the hassle of getting your son cross country, or even sometimes to a different country all together, all worth it.

“I’m so happy that you guys are here.” Harry says to the two of you as he holds his son on his hip, his other arm wrapped around your waist, holding both of you close. “Shows are always just so much better with you here.” He kisses the side of your head as you smile up at him.

“There’s our little good luck charm!” Louis exclaims as he walks over to your small family. He pats your sons dark hair that matched his father, grinning. “Good to have ya, here.” He says as he hugs you. “This shows for you, little lad!” He ruffles your sons hair again, who giggled playfully and swatted away Louis hand.

A few minute later, you took your son from Harry’s arms after Harry hugged and kissed him. Harry then hugged and kissed you as well before he grabbed his mic and headed on stage with the guys.

“You ready to watch daddy?” You ask your son as you pull his headphones from your bag. You rest them on his head, covering his ears to protect them from all the noise. He always looked so cute in these, though he hated wearing them.

As the show began, you put your son down beside you so he can dance freely. He absolutely loved being at shows, he had the time of his life when he was able to come here.

“Mommy!” He yells when the guys were between songs and doing their silly banter back and forth, reading peoples signs and just interacting with the crowd.

“Yes, baby?” You ask, leaning down so you were level with your son.

“I want daddy!” He points his chubby little finger in the direction of his father who was currently playfully making fun of a fans dancing in the front.

“As soon as he’s done on stage, he’ll be here and you can have all the daddy hugs you want, okay?” You tell him, making him give an adorable little pout. “We have to be patient.” He gives a small nod so you stand back up, smiling as you turn back to the stage.

In the next second, your son tears his hand from yours and runs straight on stage. You call after him but he was already halfway towards his father.

“We got a stage invader!” Liam yells when he spots your son. Harry turns just as his son reaches him and attaches himself to his legs, wrapping his tiny arms around his dad’s skinny jean clad legs. Harry laughs and bends down, pulling him up into his arms.

“And what are you doing, little lad?” He asks his son who just grins and buries his face in Harry’s neck, wrapping his little arms around his neck. Harry grins. “I guess he just wanted daddy.” The crowd screams and yells while you grin. Watching Harry interact with his son was easily your most favorite thing in the world and you knew the fans loved it too.

“We’ve been looking to add a new member to the band, I think mini Styles is a good fit.” Louis comments as he walks towards the two. “Sure is better looking than the original Styles, that’s for sure.”

“If we want the best looking Styles in the band we need to go for Y/N.” Liam jokes, winking over at you. You laugh, shaking your head.

“No hitting on my wife, please.” Harry grumbles.

“Do you wanna join us for our next song?” Niall walks over to Harry and your son, who lifts his head from Harry’s shoulder and looks at the blonde, smiling and nodding. “Brilliant!”

“What do you want us to sing, lad?” Louis asks. Harry holds his mic up to his son’s mouth so everyone could hear his answer.

“Mommy’s Song!” He yells in answer.

“Little Things it is!” Harry answers, smiling over at you. Harry always told your son that this song was about you and instead of calling it Little Things, he always referred to it as ‘Mommy’s Song’ so that’s what your son knew it as.

The guys all take a seat on the bar on the stage like they always did during this song, Niall with his guitar. Harry sets his son beside him as the song begins. Louis sits beside your son on his other side, wrapping his arm around his shoulders as the two sway back and forth to the music. Your son grinned up at the man that was basically his uncle.

You knew he was destined to be a musician just like his father and ‘uncles’, he absolutely loved being on stage and loved to stand on the coffee table and pretend to sing when you were at home. He was such a performer already.

“What did you think, were we good?” Niall asks after the guys finish the song.

“Good!” Your son yells into Harry’s mic when he held it out to him. The crowd awwed and cheered, everyone smiling.

“Alright, time to head back to mum.” Harry says as he stands and picks him up. “Say goodbye to everyone!”

“Bye!” He exclaims, getting cheers in return.

“Bye little lad.” Louis ruffles up his curly brown hair that matched his father’s. Harry walked over to you and set his son down in front of you. You grabbed his hand and pulled him beside you as you smile at Harry.

“He’s a natural on stage.” Harry comments, making you grin.

“Get’s it from his daddy.” You joke. Harry laughs and nods before leaning forward to kiss you. He then leans down to press a kiss to the top of his sons head. He smiles at you one more time before rushing back on stage.

You and your son spent the rest of the show side stage, dancing and singing together, both of you so happy to be here with Harry. You might just have to try to do this more often.

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