drunk before he likes u:

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Credits: https://4everinsane.tumblr.com/post/143618472343/harry-styles-imagine

Drinking with your best friend was always an entertaining ordeal. You and Harry always had fun together anyway, but when he had a little much to drink, he became even more fun.

"Maybe we should get you home." You tell him as he falls of the bar stool he had been perched on. You didn't want anyone to see him like this, the paparazzi would have a field day if he fell or did something stupid in the public eye.

"Yeah, that would probably be a brilliant idea." He agrees. You thought you might have to fight him on going home but he followed you from the bar and out into the Uber you'd called without any fight, and only a little bit of stumbling.

"Alright, here we are." You help him from the car and inside his house. "Let's get you into bed." You start leading him towards the stairs.

"I like the idea of that." He slurs. You laugh and shake your head, pulling him upstairs the rest of the way. "Come cuddle with me." He pulls you to the bed and pulls you down beside him. "I like this." He says as he hugs you against him.

"I should get going, Harry." You try to pull away from him but he groans, holding you tighter. He nuzzles his face into the side of your neck, letting out a calming sigh.

"I would much rather you stay here," He says. "Like this," He nuzzles your neck. "forever." He runs his hand up and down your side, his leg resting over yours.

"I can stay, but just for tonight." You tell him. He was much more lovey than he ever has been. He likes to hug when he drinks but this was much different, it felt different.

"I want to talk to you about something." He lifts his head to look down at you. He brings his hand up, brushing your hair from your face while you frown up at him.

"Alright?" You answer. "What is it?"

"I would never be able to tell you this if I hadn't had a drink or two." He says. You laugh.

"Harry, you had more than a drink or two." You tell him. He laughs and shakes his head, shrugging a bit. He lays his head back down, nuzzling your neck again.

"Which is why I'm brave enough to tell you my biggest secret." He mutters. He takes a deep breath. "I'm in love with you." He barely lets it out as a whisper, you weren't sure you actually heard it correctly.

"What?" You question, turning your head to look at him but he shakes his head, nuzzling his face down, letting his brown hair hide his face.

"You're just so beautiful, I want you in my life every second of everyday." He finally looks up at you and give a small smile. "You're perfect, love."

"Harry, we'll talk about this tomorrow, okay? When you aren't drunk." He gives a small laugh, shaking his head. He brushes his hair back away from his face.

"It's true, whether I'm drunk or not."

"That's fine, but you should still sleep." You tell him. You weren't sure how to process this. Harry, your best friend, was in love with you. Wow. You honestly didn't mind much as you easily returned the feelings, just never wanted to mess up the friendship you had with him.

"As long as you stay right here with me." He kisses your cheek before settling down into the pillows, still holding you against him. He gives a sigh and a second later, a small snore was falling from his lips.

"Goodnight, Harry." You whisper, brushing his hair from his face. You smile before closing your eyes, following him in a slumber.

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