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Before Harry goes on tour, he wanted to take us on a trip to Italy, to spend some quality time together as a family. Harry choose Italy because it’s one of his favorite places to travel to and I’m not mad one bit. It’s beautiful here. The weather is nice and the people are mostly friendly. Everyday Harry has coordinated different activities for us and they’ve all been great so far.

For todays agenda, Harry rented us a yacht to hang out on. There’s a hot tub and a pool on the lower deck. On the upper deck there are lounging chairs to tan on and the entrance to the indoor cabin that has a bed and small kitchen, along with a bathroom of course.

On the yacht Harry rented for us, it’s just our wonderful 6 and 3 year old children along with Harry and I. No friends. No management. No other family. Just our little family of four and we couldn’t be more happy.

Harry and I just put our kids to sleep for a midday nap. They usually always take a nap around 12 pm and vacations are not an exception. Both are snuggled under the cool sheets of the king size bed inside the cabins bedroom. I didn’t bother taking their swimsuits off knowing they’d want to swim again when they awake. It wasn’t surprising when they fell asleep almost instantly after we laid them down because they wore themselves out by swimming in the sea with their daddy earlier and splashing around in the pool here on the yacht.

We make our way out the cabin of the yacht and over to the lounge chairs on the top deck. I have a baby monitor in my hand so we’ll be able to here when the napping kids wake up. Harry goes to lay in one and I go to lay in the other. We haven’t had time to properly tan since being on the yacht because we’ve been chasing around our little ones. Yes we have gotten unintentional tans but not tans from laying out. So when Harry stops me from going to the second lounge chair I get confused. “What?” I question my husband.

“I want ya to lay with me. For a cuddle. Pleaseee.” Harry says with a pouted mouth and puppy dog eyes.

“Alright.” I agree with confusion. Not that we don’t cuddle often. We cuddle every night, but on a lounge chair on the top of a luxury boat?? Harry lays down in his chair and motions me forward. I go to slip in beside him but once again he stops me.

“On top love.” Harry clarifies. So instead of laying beside him like I thought he meant when he said he wanted us to cuddle, I crawl up his half naked and tattooed body, gently plopping down on top. Half naked because he’s in his short black swim trunks. Not because he’s being indecent in public. Though if we didn’t have our kids with us and this yacht was in the middle of the ocean and not by the shore, I’d happily except Harry naked. With my head nuzzled in his tan neck and my arms draped under his arms with my hands under his back, Harry asks, “Is this alright? Comfortable?” I just hum a yes for my response. So with me comfortably laying on Harry’s body, he reaches down to the floor beside the lounge chair and picks up a book he was reading this morning. Then he opens it up and begins silently reading from the pages.

When I first laid on top of Harry’s body, I thought I might take a little nap myself. I am tired from the lack of sleep I’ve gotten on this trip thus far. But just something about the way he looks in his black swim trunks and his blue hat on has my pussy throbbing in my bikini bottoms. Also it probably has something to do with the knowledge we’re alone for the first time today. Alone as far as no kids around. Though I thought he looked extremely sexy earlier when he was strutting around in this same attire, being alone with him has light a match in me that I know I couldn’t have been light with children in our vicinity.

Thinking logical though, I know we can’t have sex out here because we are not in the middle of the sea. We are floating right off the shore where there is a seaside town up on the cliff above us. Especially beings that Harry’s famous and there could be paparazzi watching us. We haven’t checked our phones today but I just pray the media has left us alone and not taken photos of our family. I know Harry wishes that to even if he’s too nice to admit it. He just wants a peaceful day in private with his family and doesn’t want pap pictures on every media outlet.

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